Example sentences of "turn up [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually four relatives of Anwar 's turned up with more drink and food , and gifts of cloth and pots .
2 These people had turned up with uncanny speed .
3 Do n't tell me something 's turned up at this stage to stop Cris getting away ? ’
4 Marcus could have turned up at any moment .
5 She knew something , though not all , of his day 's programme : she 'd rung The Randolph at 10.45 p.m. and learned from the tour leader that her husband had not turned up at any point during the day to fulfil his commitments — and that in itself was quite out of character .
6 Some , like Archibald earl of Argyll and Bothwell , initially stayed away ; but Bothwell at least turned up on 15 March , to promise the support of himself and his kin and friends to Arran , for which his estates in Liddesdale were restored .
7 The corny raucousness which ensued of course meant that the television volume had to be turned up to window-shaking levels so that the happy couple could savour the exquisitely enunciated phrasing of Arnold Schwarzenegger 's lines over the noise of their munching .
8 You had n't turned up for that date .
9 The promised home help had n't turned up despite several letters , and there 'd been no sign of the district nurse over the weekend .
10 For instance , fossils deposited in Asia have turned up in Canadian rock .
11 Since then it has turned up in Kenyan tobacco plantations where safety precautions are impractical and widely ignored .
12 The other side of the coin is that some of the manufacturing jobs lost in high wage countries have turned up in low wage countries .
13 In 1653 they were fined for ‘ … not impounding the hogs which have turned up in divers places ’ .
14 DESPITE only five villagers turning up to last week 's meeting , Kingsley residents are continuing to look into the possibility of a local neighbourhood help scheme .
15 The backs have breath-taking pace out wide and both wingers have looked hungry for ball , turning up on each other 's wings regularly to create the extra man .
16 As Christmas approaches goods like these are turning up at one day sales , car boot sales and market stalls .
17 and he said you know , he said they have n't been turning up at that chapel for them , when they 've preaching but you did n't crack on they knew anything about that but he just sort of said said no you know remain non-committal .
18 Among his worst crimes are not being married , not turning up at milking times and stealing food . ’
19 Quite a gesture , turning up at this hour .
20 The club has criticised the fans for not turning up in bigger numbers to support the club but now they are turning their criticism on the manager .
21 These included stars of stage and screen , all of whom entered into the spirit of the ball 's " Around The World in 80 Days " theme , with many turning up in fancy dress .
22 However , there were indications last night that some Communist deputies may seek to complicate the vote , by not turning up in sufficient numbers , or to delay it , possibly by as much as three weeks , to allow their own party to re-group after its recent humiliations .
23 The PE department sent pupils who turned up with inadequate kit , by contrast , other teachers would not send even obviously disruptive pupils for fear of causing their suspension .
24 I did n't expect her to do so , but what I did n't know then was that she had a holiday cottage in Muker , which is not far over the hills in Swaledale , and one day she turned up with some friends of hers .
25 But , predictably enough , the three turned up with three moose and bargained them all aboard , one on each wing , the third across the fuselage .
26 Mindful of Ace 's warning , she kept her cool , but it was n't easy , and the final straw was when Jason himself turned up as chief fuel technician .
27 Koo Stark turned up for one case wearing a short and flowery little-girl 's party frock with velvet cuffs , which said , ‘ Gee , I am gentle , I am vulnerable in the big bad world . ’
28 A MAN turned up for Old Bailey jury service yesterday — and found he was due to try his 20-year-old son for burglary .
29 So many turned up for this emergency meeting of Swindon 's railway pensioners , that more than a hundred had to stand outside .
30 The result was so spectacular that those of us in the front line who were showered with debris turned up at future games wearing motorbike goggles to protect our eyes and in honour of our hero .
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