Example sentences of "bring in [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Newspapers make their money from combination of cover price revenue and what they bring in from selling advertising space .
2 Vince Luck was brought in as finance director from Northern Foods .
3 In the event , he was accepted at Birmingham University , but just before he arrived he was informed that the geography department had been closed down because of austerity measures brought in during World War N. He therefore decided to read geology instead , but shortly afterwards he received notification that this department was also to be closed .
4 Gulliver , the former Argyll Group chief who was brought in to raise revenue , made little impact during his 16 months with the club .
5 English civil servants and other English appointees were brought in to fill policy-making and sensitive positions .
6 So instead of a settled afterguard quartet sailing both of Koch 's boats , mainsail trimmer Andreas Josenhans has been moved off Kanza , Melges split from Koch , navigator By Baldridge rotated with Bill Campbell and tune-up helmsman Kimo Worthington , brought in to race Conner for the first time .
7 Updated refresher training sessions were held for plant operators and new reporting procedures brought in to cover routine monitoring .
8 Whenever a new manager was brought in to take charge of them , they refused to co-operate : in the end we just had to take the porters on . ’
9 Frederick Bartman , one of the stars of the legendary TV drama series Emergency — Ward 10 , was brought in to play Cassius for the two-week run , with audiences boosted by local schoolchildren studying Julius Caesar for their English Literature exam .
10 Consultants were brought in to coach team leaders , themselves working members of the unit , who then passed on their new-found knowledge — the cascade concept .
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