Example sentences of "bring up in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Brought up in the Seventh Day Adventist Church he would later be expelled and join the Branch Davidians .
2 For anyone brought up in the European tradition of Claudeian vision , the picturesque , and so on , the impact of all this can be startling and pictorially disconcerting .
3 The son of a Scottish father who deserted the family home at an early age and a Jewish mother , McLaren was brought up in the middle-class London suburb of Edgware .
4 He spoke about the need for an ‘ exact ’ theology , and Maritain , with his handbooks on logic , gave the impression of exactitude which most English theologians , brought up in the Hegelian tradition , failed to do .
5 It will be a generation or two no doubt before this determinedly old-fashioned room acknowledges one of the most remarkable of post-1945 French writers , the critic Roland Barthes , who was the complete Parisian intellectual but was brought up in the Basque country , went to school in Bayonne and all his life kept his house along the Adour , at tire .
6 My brother and I were brought up in the Catholic faith .
7 As a male Caucasian with a father who had died of a coronary thrombosis at the age of 59 , I was brought up in the smoky atmosphere of a northern industrial town .
8 She agreed to come and I took her first to the more brilliantly decorated one , not knowing that she was not only a very religious woman but also a girl who had been brought up in the strictest kind of convent — no heating , nothing for show .
9 Clayton was adopted by his aunt and uncle and brought up in the working class brewery town of Tadcaster , North Yorkshire .
10 A Lithuanian friend , brought up in the Soviet Union and now studying in Britain , told me that one of her problems is coping with choice .
11 Most of us who are brought up in the Western Christian tradition take the divinity of Jesus for granted or regard it as a philosophical problem .
12 Mary of Guise was brought up in the charmed circles of the greatest French aristocracy .
13 A bystander at his creation , or rather arriving a few moments after it , would feel justified in assuming that Adam had had a mother , been born and brought up in the usual way , and was in every way like us ; but he would be wrong .
14 She was brought up in the colonial culture of India and married to a senior military figure .
15 ( Freud is writing in the first decade of the twentieth century , about men and women in the middle- and upper-middle-class Austria who would have been brought up in the latter part of the nineteenth century . )
16 William will be taught the old values of royal duty as well as being brought up in the modern world , mainly by his mother .
17 Born in the last months of Queen Victoria 's reign and brought up in the Edwardian era , she encouraged her grandchildren to spend their childhoods much as she and her contemporaries had done before the First World War .
18 This is difficult for people brought up in the Protestant tradition to accept , perhaps , because Protestantism has always insisted that every single Christian has the ability to become a great spiritual athlete .
19 And although he was brought up in the Protestant culture of Scotland 's capital , he is a fervent supporter of Celtic , the club of Roman Catholic persuasion in the hostile territory of Glasgow .
20 However , it is all too easy for those brought up in the Near Eastern traditions , when they hear Hindus talking of many gods , to suppose that they are talking of what they consider to be the supreme reality .
21 The next generation which is taking over the reins of industry is a generation who were not brought up in the same milieu that I was brought up in .
22 But even between children brought up in the same home with the same advantages , one with another , at 7 there are still huge differences .
23 Anyway , as you know , we were almost brought up in the same bassinet , and , as I made out to Mama just a short while ago , if Isobel had to choose between the horse and me , the horse would come out best . ’
24 The people were not necessarily born and brought up in the same neighbourhood ; many are upwardly mobile ( unlike the inner-city people ) .
25 Er children are n't brought up in the same maternal way as they are in in this country , and many other countries .
26 However , the effect of experience on temperament is still limited by the horse 's genetic traits — for example , if both the naturally placid horse and the naturally nervous horse were brought up in the same rough environment , then the placid horse would still be less timid than the nervous one .
27 She has never abused her position while appearing determined that her sons will be brought up in the sensitive , caring manner denied to their father .
28 Although I was n't brought up in the Jewish faith — my mother would n't hear of it — he still passed on to me all those standards that were part of his own upbringing and would never tolerate what he from time to time described as my ‘ unacceptable behaviour ’ .
29 The president has accused the defence minister , Husnu Dogan , a younger relation and an orphan brought up in the Ozal household , of being nothing short of a Brutus for opposing Semra 's decision .
30 Consider the case of a teacher brought up in the hard school where right answers were rewarded by praise and wrong answers by the cane .
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