Example sentences of "bring him to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My father said that he would bring him to the station .
2 ‘ He 'll manage twenty-five miles or so by nightfall , and that will bring him to the stream over there called the Carron , with a dozen miles of forest and boggy ground between himself and the main river-crossing .
3 He had served twenty-four years in the US House of Representatives , including nine as Minority Leader of the Republicans , and it was Ford 's popularity on both sides of the aisle that had brought him to the presidency .
4 This was the plea of a young Eritrean boy as he was being dragged back to the plane that had just brought him to the UK , when in September 1990 , he and his sister were denied access to the asylum procedure .
5 The slow sexual friction had brought him to the verge of orgasm .
6 So what has brought the best known boxer on the unofficial circuit , the best known bouncer in town , the man who has inspired film scripts and tall tales in the snooker halls , once one of the six people in Britain said to be able to bench-press 500 pounds , what has brought him to the dock in front of Judge Richard Lowry and to the possibility of spending the rest of his life locked up with robbers and rapists ?
7 His crime has brought him to the extremity which Marmeladov was telling him about and tasting at the bottom of his own vodka jug in the opening pages of the novel .
8 He hits the standing man at a point just above the heel , bringing him to the ground .
9 Despite this rivalry the new Emperor restored Bavaria to Henry in 1154 , bringing him to the height of his power as a German prince .
10 He eventually let go of me and I had to go the bottom of the baths and bring him to the surface , take him to the side and get him breathing again , and I was considered a failure for that .
11 When Eritrea achieved de facto independence last year , 80 cars went from DC to New Jersey to the home of the veteran Eritrean labour leader Woldeab Wolde Mariam , whom I had met more than 20 years ago in exile in Aden , and brought him to the Washington community church , Saint Selassie .
12 He had sailed to Ninfania from Illyria , in a big double bass of a galleon , with a prow carved like a volute , and it brought him to the shore in the harbour he then designated Ribaris , after the peak where the Ark had come to rest , once all the waters of the flood had drained out of the plughole of divine fury .
13 We had climbed together a couple of weeks before at Goat Crag , where I was once again reminded how suited Fanshawe is to upward progress ; a powerful frame and seemingly hydraulic legs brought him to the crag aeons before I arrived .
14 A few seconds brought him to the oak .
15 On leaving school he went as a labourer to Hunts Farm ( visible from the 6th green ) and it was this work that brought him to the course .
16 A few easy moves brought him to the sanctuary of the belay ledge .
17 Mr Kendall , you came through the hole , found Mr Goodhaven and brought him to the surface .
18 Election defeats at the hands of Shaftesbury , now lord chancellor , in 1673 ‘ put him into a great rage ’ and brought him to the fore in parliamentary debates .
19 His reports on the collections brought him to the notice of the British scientific establishment and led to his appointment as naturalist in HMS Bulldog during a voyage under the command of Sir Leopold M ‘ Clintoch in 1860 to investigate a possible northern route for the proposed north Atlantic telegraph cable .
20 Agnew made his mark in midfield at Barnsley where his ability to produce a telling pass brought him to the notice of Blackburn , who shelled out 750,000 for the Shipley-born player .
21 Moore 's authoritative style of play soon brought him to the notice of the England management .
22 His report on the German military brought him to the attention of General George Marshal , on whose staff he later served .
23 By 1905 he had moved to St Petersburg where his growing reputation as a miraculous healer brought him to the attention of the Czar and Czarina .
24 Isambard 's hand on his shoulder brought him to the bench at the end of the room , where a film of stone-dust coated the floor , and several fragments of carvings and half-cut blocks of stone lay pushed together against the wall , as though discarded long ago .
25 A Mattel Kriss-Kross mountain bike with stabilisers had caught his neck , when he looked up , and brought him to the ground yet it was the red and yellow tractor which applied the pressure that made his neck give way with an awful crack .
26 He says that ‘ wanderlust and chance ’ brought him to the city which he associated particularly with Mozart , Strauss and Lehár , also with Freud and Einstein .
27 He spurred forward to Moray 's side , urging him to bring him to the Regent , earls or none .
28 The presbytery having dealt with him to bring him to the conviction of the evil of the said practice did appoint him to be publickly rebuked two several Lord 's days in the Kirk of Kilarrow and Kilmeny .
29 The presbytery having dealt with him to bring him to the conviction of the evil of the said practice did appoint him to be publickly rebuked two several Lord 's days in the Kirk of Kilarrow and Kilmeny .
30 Yesterday , her other son , Gary , 3 , was at home because she has decided never to bring him to the Strand again .
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