Example sentences of "bring it to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So , if the retailer moves the tea or coffee every few weeks and replaces it with another product ( perhaps one that does n't sell as well ) he can bring it to the customer 's attention .
2 Inside her she felt a power she could never manage to express ; it was trapped inside her like water under the ground and she was the only one with the dowser 's twigs who knew where it lay and could bring it to the surface .
3 Tomorrow you should bring it to the shaman 's lodge and we 'll burn it with bird fat , honey and a strip of the dried skin of a wolf .
4 All from little deals that pass away quite quietly unless we can bring it to the attention of the public .
5 And if he does bring it to the attention of the authorities , the problem then arises that in many cases , and I 've seen it in my experience , he will be dissuaded
6 If there are discrepancies we 'll bring it to the attention of the home office .
7 What you do with it once you 've brought it to the surface is another matter : it is enough for now that you acknowledge it is there and begin to discover ways of getting at it .
8 But a debt mountain of £1.4 billion brought it to the brink of collapse late last year .
9 An agreement signed by the government of President Violeta Chamorro and by the National Workers ' Front ( FNT ) on July 12 ended a 15-day general strike by an estimated 100,000 workers in public , private and agricultural sectors which had paralysed the country and brought it to the brink of civil war .
10 ‘ I brought it to the Church leaders and was supported by Cardinal O'Fiaich .
11 She made him a sandwich and brought it to the table .
12 Without a word he brought it to the table beside her bed and put it carefully down .
13 Yeah received it last week Chief brought it to the meeting on Tuesday evening last week but the quickest like most national organisations somebody was sick right E B P week is the twenty first March
14 If it was history in the making , he brought it to the nation .
15 Over coffee we heard another interesting anecdote about The Kings Head which brought it to the forefront of media attention last year .
16 Endill ran to the cart as Mr McDoodle brought it to the house .
17 The tutor found her an old block from a ruined church and brought it to the house .
18 B. Hunslett claims the Service Crew were the first élitist group to travel the country with the casual look , and that they brought it to the attention of the general public .
19 I suppose also the that the slang term was confined to the esoteric vocabulary of sailors for a hundred years , until the rise of the boffins in World War II brought it to the attention of the general public .
20 Lamb claimed he spotted the Pakistani bowlers behaving illegally and brought it to the attention of umpires John Hampshire and Ken Palmer .
21 In the winter of 1926–7 a power struggle brought it to the attention of the police .
22 Rumour had it that it was he who brought it to the attention of Chamberlain , who became President of the Board of Trade at the same time as Plimsoll left the House , that numbers of lives lost at sea , after falling as a result of the Load Line Act , were now again on the increase .
23 You might guess it was my dad who first pointed out this odd ( and classically Chaotic ) phenomenon and brought it to the attention of us kids .
24 Reduced to serving as a mere garden hut , a lucky chance brought it to the notice of a vigilant W & L member fresh from success in W & L 's competition to design a ( new ) building for Raven Square .
25 Counselling may reveal turmoil and bring it to the surface , but if it does , that turmoil will have existed long before the commencement of the counselling process .
26 Wh what , well , I , I would n't say just looking similar , I would say additionally looking , but , but in the , in the early days the erm , and I 'll be saying something about this in the , in the lectures , bu but just briefly , that you could you could say there were phases in psychoanalysis , the early days , before both of us were born you were here , the , the aim when the method was , the aim was to release the unconscious , bring it to the surface , and that was regarded as more or less enough .
27 If the program has potential , it is likely that the publisher is going , bring it to the school 's notice or it will be mentioned in article computer applications in , for example , the Times Educatic Supplement .
28 getting increasingly frustrated on the subject of other things , pelican crossings and that I 've been concerned to hear since I 've I 've been requested this question and er it was briefly reported in the Cambridge evening news last night that they they 've had almost continuous telephone calls today complaining erm which shows the public as I thought of my own experience er are very concerned about this and would like to erm first of all bring it to the council 's attention and do regard as serious and ask the chair if there is a proper investigation will be made into the way the council handles this subject .
29 I would n't and said so ; to avoid it , I told him I would try to get the album and bring it to the Wrexham crematorium that evening .
30 Well can I bring , say bring it to the meeting and .
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