Example sentences of "bring [adv prt] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The one thing I wanted to erm bring up in this meeting ,
2 She wondered how much longer it would be before Jack was brought in in this sort of state , and how she would feel if he was .
3 I was brought up in liberal Anglicanism and lapsed into unbelief and active opposition before being converted in an evangelical Anglican church at the age of twenty-four .
4 But he wishes the children , both of whom were born in Australia , to be brought up in that country where he will be content with access to them .
5 So we was brought up in that atmosphere .
6 ‘ Well , I was brought up in that orphanage in Dalston , and that 's what they called me there .
7 It was undoubtedly unusual — and normally disadvantageous — for any ruler brought up in one country to rule over another , very different , one .
8 Such rifts deepened by violence , intolerance and cruelty create ever more bitter hostility and make it increasingly difficult for persons brought up in one faith to transfer allegiance elsewhere .
9 Although such behaviour corresponds closely to the descriptions of other feral children , it is impossible to know whether these children might have developed similar patterns of behaviour even if brought up in greater contact with people , and it has been suggested that feral children might have been abandoned by their parents because of their behaviour problems .
10 I was brought up in oblivious paganism , but school introduced two services a day , Scripture several times a week and Bible class with theological criticism and the occasional lecture on Pilgrims Progress as a special treat .
11 Brought up in White Horse country near Thirsk , Sarah Banks is a 36-year-old adult education tutor in Durham .
12 Zeinab had been brought up in this culture .
13 The child itself is brought up in this expectation and social structures are built upon it .
14 EV Thompson , the initials stand for Ernest Victor if you 're wondering , was brought up in this cottage in Swinbrook during the war .
15 It was not unknown for foreigners to be brought up in this way , and trained for responsible posts in the army , priesthood or civil service .
16 Welcome to Molyneux , Headley , Brian Horton 's with me , the United manager because he was brought up in this part of the world , must be very proud of what you brought up here for the second half Brian , but so disappointed after that first half showing .
17 ‘ They are born and brought up in this country and subject to peer group pressure from the dominant culture in the 16–24 age group . ’
18 This raises questions regarding the extent to which the standardised scores provide a useful basis of comparison for children born and brought up in this country .
19 erm I find I 'm not sure that any of us can erm cope with what 's going on at the moment in the Gulf without having just ways of distracting ourselves , erm and I think that perhaps might be more of a problem for adults than it is for children , in the sense that erm most of us have access to more information than most children do erm and more information about what death means , and what suffering means , and what pain means , than erm most children who have been brought up in this country .
20 I was born and brought up in this town and I thought and hoped my future was here .
21 Many various-sized painted plaster images are on sale and quite a number with large pieces broken off are being brought back in torn imitation plastic leather bags , only to have it explained that the purchasers probably have not been confessing enough and absolution is only granted by their completing a 13-page questionnaire through which they get a special adhesive that breaks all mends .
22 Dishonesty is also brought out in this scene , when the Duke expects Shylock to forgive Antonio in line 23 ‘ which is a pound of this poor merchant 's flesh , thou wilt not only loose the forfeiture , but touch with human gentleness and love , Forgive a moiety of the principal ; ’ .
23 A Director will cast this type of actress because he knows that is the kind of personality he wants brought out in this character , and he can rely on that actress to give just such a performance .
24 Hence the contrasts and similarities between the Yugoslav and Hungarian experiences of economic reform , which will be brought out in this project , should prove extremely interesting .
25 One of the most important changes brought about in higher education by the Education Reform Act was the removal of polytechnics from local authority control and their conversion into independent institutions in much the same position as the universities .
26 In its citation , the Nobel Committee ( of the Norwegian parliament , which awarded the Peace Prize ) said that it wished to honour Gorbachev for his " many and decisive contributions " to East-West relations and " for the greater openness he has brought about in Soviet society " .
27 Does the Minister agree that his initial answer , taken with the huge increases that his Administration have brought about in national insurance contributions , the poll tax and the burden of rates that business men and business women have to pay , makes it clear that his party is the tax , tax and tax again party ?
28 The experts would say that he had died from suboxia — oxygen deficiency brought about in this case , Wycliffe believed , by a virulent poison .
29 Before we proceed to the changes brought about in this system by the Yorkist and Tudor sovereigns , certain general observations must be made about medieval administration .
30 Appleton et al have indicated that the mucosal proliferative changes brought about in experimental carcinogenesis by small bowel resection or calcium supplementation , or both , are closely linked to tumour yield .
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