Example sentences of "bring [adv prt] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For anyone brought up in the European tradition of Claudeian vision , the picturesque , and so on , the impact of all this can be startling and pictorially disconcerting .
2 The son of a Scottish father who deserted the family home at an early age and a Jewish mother , McLaren was brought up in the middle-class London suburb of Edgware .
3 He spoke about the need for an ‘ exact ’ theology , and Maritain , with his handbooks on logic , gave the impression of exactitude which most English theologians , brought up in the Hegelian tradition , failed to do .
4 It will be a generation or two no doubt before this determinedly old-fashioned room acknowledges one of the most remarkable of post-1945 French writers , the critic Roland Barthes , who was the complete Parisian intellectual but was brought up in the Basque country , went to school in Bayonne and all his life kept his house along the Adour , at tire .
5 My brother and I were brought up in the Catholic faith .
6 As a male Caucasian with a father who had died of a coronary thrombosis at the age of 59 , I was brought up in the smoky atmosphere of a northern industrial town .
7 Clayton was adopted by his aunt and uncle and brought up in the working class brewery town of Tadcaster , North Yorkshire .
8 A Lithuanian friend , brought up in the Soviet Union and now studying in Britain , told me that one of her problems is coping with choice .
9 Most of us who are brought up in the Western Christian tradition take the divinity of Jesus for granted or regard it as a philosophical problem .
10 Mary of Guise was brought up in the charmed circles of the greatest French aristocracy .
11 A bystander at his creation , or rather arriving a few moments after it , would feel justified in assuming that Adam had had a mother , been born and brought up in the usual way , and was in every way like us ; but he would be wrong .
12 She was brought up in the colonial culture of India and married to a senior military figure .
13 William will be taught the old values of royal duty as well as being brought up in the modern world , mainly by his mother .
14 Born in the last months of Queen Victoria 's reign and brought up in the Edwardian era , she encouraged her grandchildren to spend their childhoods much as she and her contemporaries had done before the First World War .
15 This is difficult for people brought up in the Protestant tradition to accept , perhaps , because Protestantism has always insisted that every single Christian has the ability to become a great spiritual athlete .
16 And although he was brought up in the Protestant culture of Scotland 's capital , he is a fervent supporter of Celtic , the club of Roman Catholic persuasion in the hostile territory of Glasgow .
17 However , it is all too easy for those brought up in the Near Eastern traditions , when they hear Hindus talking of many gods , to suppose that they are talking of what they consider to be the supreme reality .
18 She has never abused her position while appearing determined that her sons will be brought up in the sensitive , caring manner denied to their father .
19 Although I was n't brought up in the Jewish faith — my mother would n't hear of it — he still passed on to me all those standards that were part of his own upbringing and would never tolerate what he from time to time described as my ‘ unacceptable behaviour ’ .
20 The president has accused the defence minister , Husnu Dogan , a younger relation and an orphan brought up in the Ozal household , of being nothing short of a Brutus for opposing Semra 's decision .
21 Consider the case of a teacher brought up in the hard school where right answers were rewarded by praise and wrong answers by the cane .
22 Behind the savage and futile blood-letting lies unimaginable suffering — families robbed of their loved ones , more than 33,000 injured and maimed and a generation of children brought up in the menacing shadow of the bomb and the bullet .
23 This means that a higher proportion of children will be brought up in the local authority sector than figures for the distribution of tenure in their parents ' age-band would suggest .
24 Figure 7.6 shows that the average number of dependent children in the household is generally higher in the local authority sector , especially for young heads of household , but by the late forties , the younger ages of childbearing ( and the earlier leaving-home patterns of those brought up in the local authority sector ) mean that the values are very similar .
25 Members and supporters brought up in the pre-1968 glory days are mostly content to support the White Rose despite their lack of success .
26 To someone brought up in the relative austerities of the Church of Scotland , all this gilt and marble , colourful painting and painted statuary seems rather extraordinary and , somehow , secular .
27 A cynic among us suggested the people were brought out in the early morning for the tourists to snap their unlikely habitat .
28 These emphases , particularly as brought out in the typical case histories in a host of texts , revealed , we may suggest , the fear of masturbation as actually fixed in the minds of middle-class parents , disturbed by their sons ' unwillingness to live by the respectable sexual ideology , and attend to their duties and to future marriage .
29 Subsequently , when the remedy is given to treat sick people , other symptoms that had not been brought out in the Proving are noted to be cured by the remedy and if this happens repeatedly then those symptoms are added to the picture of that remedy .
30 And we 'd be talking about the kinds of things which were brought out in the structural report I think there .
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