Example sentences of "bring [pers pn] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Home Office guidelines on the work of a Special Branch are published in the Select Committee Report of 1985 , from which it will be seen how protest by individuals and groups might bring them to Special Branch attention :
2 Indeed it was one of the most shocking stories of police corruption and legal incompetence I had ever read , and believing that I had the ability to rectify it , I decided , whatever my other commitments , that I must bring it to public notice as soon as possible .
3 They do not repeat : ’ Do not bring us to the test , but save us from the evil one ’ , or , ’ Do not bring us to hard testing . ’
4 In Galway itself , the scenes and actions of the past few years had brought him to early maturity as a willing recruit for the politics of the street fight .
5 The private-eye story has even taken , not one huge lateral leap , but a series of hops which have brought it to British shores .
6 Quite how the party which has successfully brought us to economic misery and industrial impotence can make such a claim seems to suggest some very muddled thinking .
7 The words were tenderly spoken , yet they hit her like a tidal wave of icy-cold water , instantly extinguishing the flames of passion curling inside her , bringing her to horrified realisation of just what she was doing .
8 Of the priests we know little , except where their transgressions brought them to episcopal notice .
9 And no-one was more delighted than the man who brought him to Central Park — scout Eric Hawley .
10 The Evening News carried several of his wonder stories , and the appearance in September 1914 of his wartime fantasy ‘ The Bowmen ’ brought him to public attention .
11 Jaq spoke with a casualness which , in the circumstances , brought her to full alert .
12 Before he reached the top , Delaney paused , and holding with his legs , unslung the Uzi and brought it to one-handed readiness .
13 This brought us to female suffrage and , indirectly , to dictatorships .
14 She 'd been robbed of words , had no speech to tell him to stop this glorious torture , could only groan deep in her throat as his questing fingers flickered over one nipple , bringing it to prominent life even through the material of her leotard .
15 And God 's word is used in bringing us to new birth , in bringing us , er to faith in Jesus Christ .
16 Even in this case , some work needs doing to the back of the bevel to bring them to optimum usefulness .
17 This determines how much money , time and effort should be spent to bring them to acceptable levels .
18 Proceeding along the track brings you to Auchendinny Station beyond which is a tunnel ( advisable to bring a torch ) which leads out into the yard of Dalmore Paper Mill the sole survivor of a once flourishing industry along the Esk .
19 Cross the footbridge and wallstile before crossing another stile to bring you to High House .
20 I 'll have orders to bring you to old Ralf , they 'll believe that .
21 There was Woil with the usual Man-welcoming expression on his face and looking as harmless as a tired sparrow and saying , ‘ Nice Man , welcome food , good to bring it to grateful Woil .
22 Have you had successes in the past using this method of , of trying to bring it to public attention ?
23 So the Holy Spirit works , in our lives to bring us to Christ , to bring us to new birth .
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