Example sentences of "bring [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The hasty note , the spluttering pen , the exasperated correction , the careful clerkly hand , the grandiloquent flourish , the obsequious subscription , the torn seal , the glint of sand still held in the writing from the hand that strewed it centuries ago — all these and much else bring me into close company with the past , more than the rooms in which men sat , the streets they walked , the clothes they wore or the trinkets that adorned them .
2 Also , this nomadic existence was bringing them into potential conflict with several different tax jurisdictions .
3 Hilary Armstrong , one of the party 's education spokesmen , yesterday said a Labour government would dismantle the City Technology Colleges , bringing them under local authority control .
4 The Home Office guidelines on the work of a Special Branch are published in the Select Committee Report of 1985 , from which it will be seen how protest by individuals and groups might bring them to Special Branch attention :
5 By the late 1880s , however , Japan had growing interests in mainland Asia , and there was a danger that Japan 's attempts to assert herself in Korea and in Manchuria would bring her into direct confrontation with the expanding Russian empire .
6 If they were subsequently found to have an affected son , the apparent failure of the programme would bring it into unjustified disrepute .
7 Ragusa was able , however , to develop its overland trade with the Balkan hinterland , as this activity did not bring it into direct competition with the seaborne trade of Venice .
8 Indeed it was one of the most shocking stories of police corruption and legal incompetence I had ever read , and believing that I had the ability to rectify it , I decided , whatever my other commitments , that I must bring it to public notice as soon as possible .
9 They do not repeat : ’ Do not bring us to the test , but save us from the evil one ’ , or , ’ Do not bring us to hard testing . ’
10 In Galway itself , the scenes and actions of the past few years had brought him to early maturity as a willing recruit for the politics of the street fight .
11 The private-eye story has even taken , not one huge lateral leap , but a series of hops which have brought it to British shores .
12 The Conservative government 's policies on taxation and welfare have brought it into increasing conflict with the Church of England .
13 Quite how the party which has successfully brought us to economic misery and industrial impotence can make such a claim seems to suggest some very muddled thinking .
14 The words were tenderly spoken , yet they hit her like a tidal wave of icy-cold water , instantly extinguishing the flames of passion curling inside her , bringing her to horrified realisation of just what she was doing .
15 Of the priests we know little , except where their transgressions brought them to episcopal notice .
16 It declared them educable , took them out of their own homes and hospitals and brought them into full-time schooling .
17 Plans for their future brought them into political contact with enemies of the ninth electorate which led first to the secret murder of Königsmarck in 1694 , with the connivance of Ernst August , and later to Sophia Dorothea 's confinement in her father 's keeping at the palace of Ahlden , following her divorce from Georg Ludwig in 1694 , which carried the rider that she could not remarry .
18 This brought them into hostile contact with some of their neighbours , especially with the counts of Armagnac .
19 They were also in the business of wiring installations for consumers ( in houses , factories , schools , offices , shops ) beyond the mains terminals , and this brought them into direct competition with the 7500 , usually small , independent electrical contractors .
20 The National Assembly on Oct. 15 approved legislation to restrict illegal immigration by heavily penalizing employers who employed illegal immigrants , and guides who brought them over French borders .
21 Apart from learning more about my own language , the eloquent richness of the Queen 's English and the previously undiscovered interest I had in teaching , my job brought me into close contact with real Spanish people .
22 I mention this because it brought me into favoured touch with the Commanding Officer for Wales , and through him I was able to gain admittance for Richard to Exeter College , Oxford , for six months prior to his joining the Royal Air Force , a privilege granted to very few cadets .
23 It was the issue that first brought me into active politics as long ago as 1964 .
24 And no-one was more delighted than the man who brought him to Central Park — scout Eric Hawley .
25 The Evening News carried several of his wonder stories , and the appearance in September 1914 of his wartime fantasy ‘ The Bowmen ’ brought him to public attention .
26 Amanullah 's pursuit of his two most cherished objectives , to modernize his country in the shortest possible time and to make it independent of Britain , soon brought him into headlong conflict with Humphrys , whose previous eighteen years in India , mostly among the tribes across the frontier from Afghanistan , had not prepared him to deal with a ruler of such independence of mind .
27 Perhaps the most important element in Florey 's brief occupation of the Sheffield chair was that it brought him into close contact with Edward Mellanby ( see Chapter 7 ) .
28 His subsequent progress inside the Corporation was rapid and distinctive — from the external services in Bush House to Canada again , this time as BBC representative from 1956 to 1959 ; back to Bush House as head of external broadcasting administration ; on to Broadcasting House as the BBC 's secretary ( 1963–6 ) , a post of varying status and influence at different times in the history of the BBC , but during the regime of the director-general , Sir Hugh Greene , who had personally selected Curran for the job , a key post drawing him into discussions of policy , often highly controversial policy , as well as of administration ; back again to Bush House as director of external services ( 1967–9 ) , which brought him into close touch with government ; and on Greene 's retirement , becoming , to his considerable surprise , director-general himself in April 1969 .
29 In 1905 he published Studies in Colonial Nationalism , the book which brought him into public notice .
30 Her republican sympathies brought her into direct conflict with her brother Sir John French , who was viceroy , but they were reconciled before he died in 1925 .
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