Example sentences of "bring [adv] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As well as bringing on the new foal , Margaret has taken on another exciting challenge .
2 They were in a windowless hole of a dressing room , backstage of the El Paradiso — another charity , bring on the bloody drag !
3 He was responding to Monday 's claim in the Belfast Irish News that at least three dozen officers were members of a secret ‘ inner circle ’ which had the objects of ‘ removing ’ republican suspects and bringing down the Anglo-Irish agreement .
4 Partnerships could henceforth be established between consenting adults so that ‘ two men could live permanently together without fearing prattling informers bringing down the criminal law upon them ’ .
5 Heseltine faced the tactical dilemma that were he to campaign openly and be seen to be instrumental in splitting the party and bringing down the Prime Minister , he would be criticised as divisive and disloyal .
6 Obviously , the short lives of all those babies and children will have a great effect in bringing down the average figure as even the least mathematical of us will be able to understand .
7 The terrorists know that by hitting commercial buildings and their insurers they are also hitting at a British Government faced with potentially huge underwriting costs even as it is desperate to find ways of bringing down the public sector borrowing requirement .
8 In 51 minutes Ian Ferguson crashed in a fierce 20 yarder which flew wide and Rangers missed a great chance to go ahead when Murdoch saved a Hateley penalty kick , after the keeper had been penalised for bringing down the big attacker .
9 An elderly Indian woman in a sari is closing up and bringing down the grated gate .
10 Each critic and each interview discovered and reported the uncanny fact of what had happened in the production of the film , that it was one of those once-in-a-generation happenings , bringing together the right story , the right people and the right tone at exactly the right time .
11 By bringing together the academic faculty , researchers and practising managers the College has created a research community capable of undertaking well-founded and practical research .
12 By bringing together the academic faculty , researchers and practising managers the College has created an international research community capable of undertaking well founded and practical research .
13 Like many others in education , he would like to see a structure that meets the needs of all 16-to 19-year-olds by bringing together the academic A-level syllabuses , with all the various vocational courses , into a common system .
14 Having set the backlight , bring in the key light , so called because it provides the photographic modelling and sets the general level of exposure .
15 The end was nigh for the old tradesman prop : bring in the bulky back-row forward .
16 But you 're going to get a wider latitude and difference of i of of strength of economy by bringing in the eastern bloc in the short term .
17 While soccer 's purists quake at the thought of Graham Taylor bringing in the long-ball game , Ferguson insists Dublin 's arrival will not mean a switch to Route One football at Old Trafford .
18 The effect , therefore , of only the first limb applying , ie before the change in the law bringing in the second limb , could be seen by the following example .
19 LAURA STONE , of the Liverpool Notre Dame Association , who sent us this report , commented : ‘ Let us remember all lay and religious people who are away from their own countries and families , working for those less fortunate than ourselves and bringing in the Good News from afar . ’
20 Only when the head of accounting ( ’ an ‘ acceptable ’ woman 's role ’ ) took her to one side and showed her the company 's payroll did she realise that while she was bringing in the most revenue , she was being paid the smallest salary .
21 representative : they enable all relevant interests to be involved in the decision-making process and they bring together the specialised knowledge of working people into a working combination ;
22 FINLAND 'S government yesterday announced an emergency economic austerity package to stem an outflow of investment capital from the country that is threatening to force a major devaluation and bring down the centre-right administration .
23 ‘ Giles , Giles , ’ cried Liz , ‘ do n't shout so , it 's nearly the New Year , we ca n't bring in the New Year howling like wolves . ’
24 Whenever universities hand out degrees on the basis of who will bring in the best publicity and therefore the biggest cheques , they dishonour their own honours system .
25 They would n't bring in the heavy mob for me , I 'm not important enough .
26 They would ally themselves with the united Labour forces and afford the possibilities of developing a mighty Peoples Front which will bring down the National Government . "
27 LABOUR MP Dennis Skinner believes three things will bring down the Royal Family and turn Britain into a republic — tax , television and history .
28 The men at the headman 's house decided , on behalf of the village , that every dog that had been out in the night , possibly taking part in the fight and helping bring down the rabid dog , would have to be killed : and all bitches on heat , whether they 'd been inside or out , must also be killed .
29 Disability Living Allowance will bring together the existing Attendance and Mobility Allowance , providing new help to many disabled people who at present get no such help .
30 These examples should bring home the great difference that there is for Moore between intrinsic good and bad and anything of the nature of pleasure or pain .
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