Example sentences of "bring [pron] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Fathers , do not exasperate your children ; instead , bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord ( Eph. 6:1–4 ) .
2 Paul 's direction to parents is contained in the words , ‘ Fathers , do not exasperate your children ; instead , bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord ’ ( Eph. 6:4 ) .
3 He would help fructify their holdings , bring them up in the world where they should be .
4 ‘ I 'll bring them up in the morning after breakfast . ’
5 It is the same with the notion that you can bring everybody up to the average .
6 We 'll bring it up at the staff meeting on Monday and take it on from there .
7 Would it be a situation if we asked the Town Clerk and er maybe with the Chairman , it 's a little bit difficult , I think the Town Clerk at this stage , to speak to and then if it seems possible we could bring it up at the Planning Committee meeting and arrange a date to go down and have a look , when we 've actually approached the land owners .
8 ‘ I 've been involved in a few of these things but I 've never seen anyone bring it up to the level he did — he turned it up a few notches . ’
9 Will you bring it up to the house tomorrow , instead ? ’ he shouted .
10 ‘ I 've brought them up in the fear of the Lord . ’
11 Her mother had brought her up in the strict religion of the Mormon church , which made her very guilty about having sex .
12 Erlich heard his instructions to the lady who had brought him up to the third floor .
13 That area of your life not only is of no interest to me , but I also consider it in very poor taste that you should have brought it up in the first place ! ’
14 And Richard took it upon himself to make his friend more sociable , bringing him up from the country for dinners and parties , to Oldfield 's obvious disinterest .
15 I says , they have a hotel there , so I brought them up to the hotel and took them , he went in and he made arrangements to stay there and then I took them over and let them see this lake dwell this crannagh as they call it .
16 It brought me up against the fact that I 'd like him to be better off so I could have more options .
17 There was a way down , on iron rungs , from the Reading Room , and a way out , through a high locked portal , which brought you up into the sunless Egyptian necropolis , amongst blind staring pharaohs , crouching scribes , minor sphinxes and empty mummy-cases .
18 He walked on , climbing the flight of stone steps that brought him up into the Strand itself .
19 But when they brought him up into the higher reaches of the Warden 's Tower and shut him into his new prison he was stupefied to find it all they had claimed .
20 She was smiling and what she said almost brought him up from the bed , his fists flailing .
21 Any way , Aunt Bessie brought her up in the little house built by her husband and brother-in-law which was near to South Stainmore .
22 Somewhere down there he stubbed himself against an ill-defined but hard mass of fact , and brought it up to the surface to examine it .
23 Well he brought it up in the first place .
24 It 's alright when they bring it up on the screen and then tell you .
25 you bring it up at the update and get some feedback from that
26 He says well I , we were on about sort of and he says bring it up at the next meeting , I says
27 I hope , and I shall be bringing it up at the next police committee , that we will commit ourselves to that initiative will a view to bringing in those two pilot schemes in the county and extending it at a later date .
28 Keep your foot flexed and start slowly circling your right leg , at the same time bringing it up in the air .
29 about bringing it up in the next erm meeting .
30 Try to run the cable beneath the floor if possible , bringing it up behind the skirtingboard and into the mounting box at each socket position .
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