Example sentences of "bring [pron] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You bring them on from the time they 're little , and they think they 've got it made , then — wallop . ’
2 Fathers , do not exasperate your children ; instead , bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord ( Eph. 6:1–4 ) .
3 Paul 's direction to parents is contained in the words , ‘ Fathers , do not exasperate your children ; instead , bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord ’ ( Eph. 6:4 ) .
4 He would help fructify their holdings , bring them up in the world where they should be .
5 Y'know you a you 're going along and they 'll say group , and you write therapy or something y'know and you 've done it and you think whoops and you just hope , and the worst thing is when they say Smith and Jones and you put seventy nine in and you think , shit and y'know they get the thing slightly wrong Draw up a revision plan , pick out the topics that you 're going to revise Any problems , bring them along to the seminar .
6 so if I bring them down on the floor , you know that if they say maybe naughty
7 Each pupil had to detail a movement in front of the squad pretending to be a drill sergeant and my detail was to get my squad from the stand easy position , slope arms and march them some 50 yards , then bring them back to the original position order arms and stand at ease .
8 I could see the beginning of cloud formations in the far west that looked as though they might thicken up and , since I wanted to get some shots of the Cove while the light was still good , I set off by Water Sinks , where the water from the Tarn sinks and does n't reappear again until some miles down the valley at Aire Head , and followed the footpath that would take me west of Watlowes dry valley and bring me down to the Cove by the pasture land above the Pennine Way .
9 So anyway , after fucking weeks and weeks and weeks I had come out to me one day , and Mr came out and he said to me he had a wee bucket and shovels and he says er bring me down to the first floor so I opened to let him out and he gets out and he says to me , now take her half way between the first and second floor and stop her .
10 He pulls the top part of the metal cover further up , and the lower half sinks at the same time ; he reaches in and gathers an armful of logs , bringing them over to the hearth .
11 You add all this other information and you constantly do that throughout the 24 hour day by saying that , ‘ it 's 11 o'clock , time for your coffee ’ , ‘ it 's twelve o'clock , it 's time for lunch ’ , and constantly giving your name and bringing them back to the present . ’
12 His occupation , which was that of picking up men in a neighbouring public house , with which he had a working arrangement , during the evening hours , and bringing them back to the boat , was not particularly profitable .
13 The swing of the hurricane was bringing them back into the eye of the storm .
14 It was always a project which was in parallel with Queen , because we always had a positive attitude to people doing stuff outside the band , getting new experiences and bringing them back into the band .
15 Weekend reports suggest that the long-term unemployed — those out of work longer than 12 months — will benefit from a £300 million scheme aimed at bringing them back into the workforce .
16 Mike said , ‘ TCT are doing a sequel and a prequel to ‘ T is ’ and bringing them out at the same time . ’
17 By promoting economic aspects and bringing them out into the open for everyone to see , we are contributing towards better informed decisions on the part of prescribers and policy makers alike . ’
18 The antler and noose would be used in the mock execution of the Morrisman , and the wild jig would bring everyone on to the green , laughing and screaming in the hot , summer night …
19 A shop assistant promised me that a head torch would ‘ bring me down off the mountain after dark ’ .
20 ‘ I 'll bring them up in the morning after breakfast . ’
21 The descent spiral would bring them out from the cloud at almost the exact point where the mysterious Sakkratian doctor had been located by the Cell .
22 In verse erm thirteen , I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them into their own land .
23 ‘ Surely , then , Kenneth , this great grudge of theirs will bring them out against the enlistment ? ’
24 Like get back the dustbins which took them out but she did n't bring them back at the end of the drive erm and I hope that Paul tells him off !
25 Maybe that 'll bring them back on the next plane . ’
26 Like , when they come in here I 'll bring them down to the canteen and let them have Coke and sweets .
27 up until just six years ago crews unhappy about the weight of their cox would bring them down into the brewery for a spot of heavy labour — shovelling mash , to get their weight down .
28 Walking uphill can suddenly bring you out of the mist and into the sunshine , with beautiful panoramas .
29 In Mondano , turn left again by Signora Fantoni 's alimentari ( best mozzarella cheese in the district ) and immediately double back to the right down a single-track road which will bring you out behind the Castello Crocetto ( most reliable source of Chianti ) .
30 I 'd like to just bring you back to the first question you asked , which was how do you define sexual harassment .
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