Example sentences of "bring [prep] him [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Common Law might enable the defrauded party to resist an action brought against him on the contract ; Equity could order the document to be handed up and destroyed or cancelled .
2 FORMER Guinness chairman Ernest Saunders yesterday won another round in his battle to secure legal aid to fight the multi-million pound civil action brought against him by the company .
3 ‘ It does n't matter , ’ he replies and goes on to ask her to take care of two suitcases full of Austrian shoes he has brought with him with the intention of selling on the black market .
4 ‘ I fully expected to see a hangar out there and there was n't one ’ , lamented Kermit as we looked through the many pictures he had brought with him to the Reno Air Races .
5 I polished the latches a bit with my shirtsleeve , then I put the briefcase back exactly as I 'd found it and took my leaf-trembling self along to the dining car , already regretting , before I got there , that I had n't stayed until the Canadian left , knowing that I 'd wasted some of the best and perhaps the only chance I would get of seeing what Filmer had brought with him on the train .
6 Immediately the anger and irritation he had brought with him from the house erupted in a howl of anger .
7 Pinkie laughed , spraying a little of the brandy which had been brought to him onto the laden air .
8 It was of no consequence ; Garland knew every step of the way and Mitch trotted ahead , pursuing an erratic course as he nosed out the rich odours brought to him on the moist air .
9 So , when an orphaned leopard cub was found after her mother had been killed for her skin , the infant was brought to him in the hope that he could rear it .
10 He 'd had some bad news brought to him in the nick by his mother , the Wicked Witch of Woolwich .
11 The Old Testament bears frequent witness to Israel 's sense of being under attack from her God , and being brought by him to the verge of extinction .
12 However , someone other than the purchaser could be injured on account of the article 's negligent manufacture and an exclusion clause would provide no defence in an action brought by him against the manufacturer .
13 Let us next consider the psychological and artistic impedimenta that Green brought with him into the crucible .
14 He was the same age as old Jack Ryan and well remembered the smell of the pigs he brought with him into the pub of an evening .
15 He brought with him into the Treasury few old prejudices beyond the self-confidence of his conviction that whatever he believed in at a particular time was right .
16 He will remain on the board of Saatchi as a non-executive director and will be replaced as chief executive by Charles Scott , who he brought with him into the company as finance director in January 1990 .
17 Jenkins was fortunate that he brought with him to the Home Office an intuitive understanding that it is how issues and incidents are handled , more than the policies which are decided upon , that can make or break a Home Secretary 's reputation .
18 When he had had his lunch , which he brought with him in the suitcase , a packet of salami sandwiches , a croissant with jam in it and a fruit-and-nut bar , he set off for West End Lane , to the Electricity Board and the Gas Board , to make inquiries about a chimney sweep , and put an advertisement for tenants in a newsagent 's window .
19 In Egyptian mythology the first ruler had been the god Re , the creator , who brought with him in the person of his daughter , Maat , the concepts of truth , justice and the order of nature and society .
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