Example sentences of "bring [prep] a [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Inside , a slippery walk soon leads to a stream flowing across the line of approach : this , followed to the left , vanishes under a wall of rock , but a few paces upstream bring as a reward a vision of beauty .
2 The closure of the Strait of Hormuz will bring to a stop the wheels of Western industries .
3 It may also bring to a head a number of crucial questions about spreading priorities — for example , defence versus social security spending — when the oil revenues begin to decline over the coming years .
4 And it would bring to an end a promising era of Security Council co-operation .
5 It would bring to an end a long and glorious chapter in the history of humanity 's intellectual struggle to understand the universe .
6 What Pepper v Hart does is bring to an end an anomaly most lay people would not have believed existed : that the courts , when trying to interpret the meaning of statutory provisions , have not been allowed to take into consideration Parliamentary debates and the legislators ' intentions during the passing of a Bill .
7 At first Christians looked upon the risen Jesus as the Messiah whose return was imminent and would bring to an end the existing world-order .
8 It would transfer supervision of the areas from the Bureau of Land Management ( BLM ) to the National Parks Service and would bring to an end the existing cattle ranching , mining activity and off-road vehicle use .
9 The end of the Persian War did not bring to an end the Athenian Empire , though the existence of the confederacy was now harder to justify .
10 The shootings brought to a climax the long-standing complaints by opposition groups in Serbia that the Milosevic government had embarked on a course of confrontation not only with non-communists but also , more ominously , with other ethnic groups in Yugoslavia .
11 In this way , the model can be brought to a halt a short distance from the ground with all of the blade energy and pitch range still available to make the landing .
12 The onset of drought in the 1970s simply compounded and brought to a head a situation that was almost inevitable from its inception , the root of which was fuelled by European interests to counteract competition from soya bean imports from the USA .
13 The recent departure of manager Liam Brady has also brought to a head a bitter boardroom battle which threatens to tear the club apart .
14 The debate on the defence section of the party 's policy review report , Britain in the World , brought to a head the anger felt in sections of the party over Neil Kinnock 's shift away from unilateralism .
15 ( 2 ) Proceedings on the Bill at a sitting of the Standing Committee on the said 5th December may continue until Eight o'clock , whether or not the House is adjourned before that time , and if the House is adjourned before those proceedings have been brought to a conclusion the Standing Committee shall report the Bill to the House on 6th December .
16 The world was a less " moral " place than it had been before the war : Germany and Japan had brought to a crisis the sickness which infected civilization , but their collapse had not cured it but left it raging everywhere . "
17 The English Cup and league champions brought to an end a 33-match unbeaten home run by Neath , dating back to Pontypool 's visit on 8 March , 1988 , and recorded their first win over Neath since 1983 .
18 Walmsley looks at several possible explanations and concludes that the change is largely due to the Act itself , firstly in the simple sense that the passing of the 1967 Act brought to an end a trial period of uncertainty for the police by making quite clear that , although in the future homosexual acts in private between consenting adults were to be legal , such acts in ‘ public ’ as defined by the Act were not .
19 Queen Anne died a year after the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht , which had brought to an end a cycle of wars which , while primarily concerned with the balance of power in Europe , had given English governments an opportunity to take colonies away from other European countries and increase their empire by annexation as well as by settlement .
20 The incident brought to an end a month-long period of peace in Kashmir , and dashed hopes of a reduction in the border tension .
21 The decision brought to an end a case which had begun in 1979 when a female student filed a complaint over the exclusion with New Jersey civil rights officials .
22 This decision brought to an end a hunger strike which several city councillors had been observing since the police force had been taken out of the city 's control .
23 His murder brought to an end a political dynasty stretching back through his mother Indira Gandhi to Jawaharlal Nehru , Indira 's father and India 's first Prime Minister .
24 The visit brought to an end a period of tension in Franco-Lebanese relations , and Mitterrand accepted an invitation to visit Beirut .
25 The passage by the House of representatives of a civil rights bill by 381 votes to 38 on Nov. 7 , following Senate approval by 93 votes to 5 on Oct. 30 , brought to an end a two-year battle for enactment which had included Bush 's 1990 veto of a previous bill and months of inconclusive efforts in mid-1991 by Democratic and moderate Republican senators to work out a compromise with the administration [ see p. 38381 ] .
26 The accident brought to an end a promising army career which began in December 1986 when he was 17 .
27 The publication on Aug. 1 of drafts of three variants of the electoral bill had brought to an end an opposition blockade of Georgia 's main rail link with the rest of the Soviet Union .
28 The move brought to an end an intense struggle between Wilson and the Democrat-controlled state legislature over how to deal with the state 's $10,700 million budget deficit .
29 By the mid-1970s the ‘ bulge ’ had nearly worked its way through the system , and this , together with disillusion with innovation in education , brought to an end the role of the education service as an expenditure growth-leader among the public services .
30 This may be reflected in the faunal changes and may have brought to an end the stable conditions represented by the pure quartzites that extend all the way from the Welsh borderland to Morocco .
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