Example sentences of "although this [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Paul looks introspective , never quite sad , although this is not the picture of a comedian preparing for a night of chuckles to remember .
2 Clegg ( 1976 ) maintains that power within unions is concentrated at the level at which bargaining is typically conducted ( although this is not the only influence ) , so that ‘ industry bargaining concentrates power at the centre [ and promotes integrated , bureaucratic union government ] , whereas bargaining at lower levels disperses it to the regions or branches ’ ( p. 54 ) .
3 Although this is not the same as decay or rotting , it can weaken the joints if the splits appear where the fixings are .
4 The driving force behind the transactional approach with which we undertake a study of the fans is , of course , Howard Becker , and although this is not the place to enter into a long discussion of his contribution to a more radical sociology , some brief attention must be given to his work ( Becker , 1963 ) .
5 We hope that although this is not the type of material to which we normally give space , ‘ MI ’ readers will find it a useful ‘ keep and file ’ reference during the months ahead .
6 Although this is not the place to enter into a detailed exposition of the mathematics behind sampling theory , there are two questions worth dealing with .
7 Although this is not the place to undertake a detailed introduction to the model , a brief sketch will nonetheless prove useful .
8 ‘ Yes , although this is n't the first time I 've been here .
9 But although this is probably the way the young man would have spoken , the line seems to express a certain naivety in his character .
10 Although this is rarely the sole cause of the iron deficiency , in one study it was found to be a contributing factor in 57% of patients .
11 In view of the fact that INSET was only one integral aspect of a very large and complex package of PNP resources , it is difficult to pinpoint its unique effect on daily practice in the Authority , although this is precisely the task we undertook in relation to one major series of courses for our sixth and tenth reports .
12 Although this is undoubtedly the law , it often seems to be ignored , particularly in the United States , where pointless efforts are made by doctors , albeit often with the best of intentions .
13 Although this is hardly the headhunter 's fault , the candidate will naturally feel annoyance or even anger that his or her expectations have been raised and then dashed , often without much explanation .
14 Although this was not the music of the star performers , some names became established .
15 There had been an English career Consul in Madeira since 1658 ( although this was not the first foreign consulate ) , and by 1680 there were ten English wine-shippers in the island .
16 Although this was not the first case in which this view had been taken , it was the first in which an appellate court had squarely addressed the point .
17 Earlier , Dave McCullouch stated that , although this was always the case , it did n't have to be .
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