Example sentences of "although [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although for the present time this generation has strong feelings for the PLO and its chairman , Yasser Arafat , they have grown impatient with the niceties of political diplomacy .
2 This year it has an improved range which again highlights the benefits of Torsion technology , although for the first time it 's combined with injected EVA , rather than firmer PU which turned some runners away .
3 During the 11-year period 1973–83 , there were 228 changes in the composition of the S&P500 index ( Harris and Gurel , 1986 ) , although for the ten-year period 1980–9 there were only eight changes in the constituents of the Nikkei Stock Average .
4 On stage I still have humbuckers in everything , although for the next tour I hope to change my amp setup to accommodate single coil guitars as well .
5 There was a longer period of comparative calm in the townships of the East Rand during the second half of December than at any time in the previous five months , although during the first half of the month deaths had averaged 20 per day .
6 LEFT Firm action needs to be taken towards a young dog which tries to bite , although during the teething phase , it is not unusual for many dogs to attempt to bite at their owner 's hand .
7 Further , although after the initial period the prosecutor may direct police investigation , it is doubtful that prosecutors will have the time or expertise to give more than general directions , thus leaving the police to do the job according to their lights .
8 But characterisations of discovery such as that of Lord Keith of Kinkel in Home Office v. Harman [ 1983 ] 1 A.C. 280 , 308B , as ‘ a very serious invasion of the privacy and confidentiality of a litigant 's affairs , ’ although of the clearest application to discovery given in private civil litigation , appear to us altogether less obviously apt in relation to an order such as that made by this court in the appellant 's appeal .
9 Obviously the balance lift will do twice the work , in the same time , and , beyond this , the power required to operate the lift , although of the same intensity , would be only usable during a small portion of the rise instead of during the whole .
10 Others think it tampers with nature although unlike the contraceptive pill which tops up hormones , HRT simply restores them to their previous and natural level .
11 Although throughout the preceding century case law decisions had narrowed its scope and denied its extension to any trade not in being at the time of its passage , it had remained nevertheless of great importance as a legitimating symbol of skilled labour 's " rights " .
12 It may be noted that although throughout the preceding period the vast proportion of the nation 's building costs was being spent on war damage repairs and reinstatement , an activity in which building and quantity surveyors provided invaluable service , the building surveyor made no impact within the Institution at this time .
13 This has bearing in England because , although like the Continental upsurge , the rise in illegitimacy began around 1750 , the illegitimacy rates of English cities were , unlike the European cities , beneath those of the surrounding countryside and were in fact lower than European figures .
14 Trusts , after all , could still feature in unconfirmed codicils , although with the post-classical application of formal requirements to all kinds of documents even this difference soon became nugatory .
15 Access to Viti is through the power station grounds and on to the road 's end , although with the late spring the road was just another snow field .
16 He had found it difficult to accustom himself to the practice , although with the right kind of company there were undoubted compensations .
17 Presidential elections were scheduled for January 1993 , although under the new Constitution parliament was given the power to postpone them .
18 In September 1939 he discovered to his cost that a communist ethic , although in the long term doubtless " inevitable " , was at that historical moment " impossible .
19 I used a small spray of birds-foot trefoil , and although in the finished picture it seems as though it has been pressed just as it was picked , in fact the majority of the piece was dismantled for pressing and reassembled for the picture .
20 Walmsley looks at several possible explanations and concludes that the change is largely due to the Act itself , firstly in the simple sense that the passing of the 1967 Act brought to an end a trial period of uncertainty for the police by making quite clear that , although in the future homosexual acts in private between consenting adults were to be legal , such acts in ‘ public ’ as defined by the Act were not .
21 Of the forty-odd subheadings in the plan only two point explicitly towards drama , " Socratism in tragedy " ( under " aesthetics " ) and " The tragedians and the state " ( under " politics … " ) , although in the retrospective light of BT a considerable number of the others can be seen as bearing specifically on the tragic ethos : for instance , " music and poetry " , " Aristotle 's aesthetic " , " ecstatic art in Greece " , " Dionysus and Apollo " .
22 Others ( e.g. Hatcher and Shall ice , 1983 ) have drawn upon Phizacklea and Miles 's North London research which , although in the final analysis conceives of racism as a form of false consciousness , nevertheless gives a more active , reasoning or reflexive role to the working class racist subject .
23 There is also a formal element of crime detection , although in the normal course of events all they encounter is shoplifting and parking offences .
24 Although in the normal course the maker of any written statement filed at court will be called to give oral testimony this may not always be the case .
25 He also throws away too many key phrases : ‘ This Triton of the minnows ’ is a magnificent epithet for Sicinius but it here gets lost and although in the great banishment-speech Mr Dance 's body-language is good ( as he hurls his coat to the ground in fine disdain ) it is significant that the directors resort to an echo-chamber effect on ‘ There is a world elsewhere . ’
26 Although in the 19th century , the Federal Government was involved in a range of state and local functions , during the 20th century it has become far more difficult to differentiate national from state from local functions . ’
27 Although in the first war years the Party substantially cut down the number of meetings devoted to ‘ training ’ in ideological matters — which had never enjoyed much popularity — and concentrated in its regular work in the localities on trying to fulfil ‘ the popular demand for a more lively participation in the events of the day ’ , as one report put it , it was unable to build up much interest in Party work or to enhance the popularity of the local Party organizations .
28 In April 1932 RAPP was disbanded , and although in the Soviet Union the ensuing liberalising effect was only temporary , lasting until 1935–6 when rigid cultural controls were reintroduced under the watchful eye of Zhdanov , in France , by contrast , 1932 was to mark the beginning of a prolonged period not only of cultural liberalisation within the PCF but also of political co-operation between communists and fellow-travelling sympathisers .
29 In the same broadcast , Erman announced government proposals to cut armed forces numbers from an estimated 75,000 to 55,000 and to reduce the period of conscription from a year to six months , although in the current year the number of conscripts called up was expected to be doubled .
30 In the event , he survived the Conference debate on crime and punishment without much difficulty , although in the following year back-benchers on his own side of the House of Commons forced open again the politically sensitive question of corporal punishment .
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