Example sentences of "turn [adv prt] for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This output is in turn fed to a monostable made up from NAND gates IC4c , IC4d which is turned on for a period of a few milliseconds determined by the values of resistor R17 and capacitor C4 .
2 If you are turned down for a grant or loan or you are unhappy with the amount given , there is no right of appeal to an independent tribunal as there used to be .
3 TRUE Brit Wayne Batterbee was turned down for a job — because he has the Union Jack tattooed on his hand .
4 Sarah Murray was recently turned down for a catwalk show because her walk was n't suitable .
5 He was turned down for an insurance policy on the grounds that he was too old .
6 He stopped then , and picked her up , shouldering his way into the bedroom with the large double bed already turned down for the night .
7 She was disconcerted to find that she walked into what was the main bedroom , dominated by a four-poster bed already turned down for the night .
8 I think that it was when he got turned down for the job of a bus conductor .
9 More than two negative reasons for accepting a job can take a heavy toll on your resources of enthusiasm , particularly if you had the added disappointment of being turned down for the post you 'd really hoped for at the time .
10 After that , it too was turned in for a Qualcast with loppy handles and collapsible wheels .
11 There are indications that the mill was turned over for a time for saw milling , and possibly even cider production .
12 I think she should have played a Tour Event before an exhibition event , but then again it would n't be the first time she has n't turned up for a Tour Event would it ?
13 ‘ Look at the extraordinary cross-section of Fleet Street which has turned up for the launch . ’
14 So much so that Colin , being totally pissed off with the press , has n't turned up for the interview .
15 So much so that Colin , being totally pissed off with the press , has n't turned up for the interview .
16 He has not turned out for the village team since .
17 He has not turned out for the village team since .
18 Based around the museum site was No. 7027 ‘ Thornbury Castle ’ awaiting restoration , plus modern preserved diesel/electric motive power in the shape of No. 40118 and No. 50043 =Eagle ’ , the latter externally turned out for the extravaganza in Network South East colours .
19 Before turning in for the night I telephoned Fred Workman to say I would be back at my desk by mid-morning and would be covering the visit of Mr Gladstone Murray to our city , his meetings and his broadcast speech , for the next day 's evening edition .
20 Afraid she might doze off if she gave in to temptation and lay down on the bed , she sat down instead on the room 's only chair , and picked up a book , absorbing not a single word as she waited for the sounds that would mean he was turning in for the night .
21 Turning in for the night .
22 He was heading for the North Sea coast , which he would cross near Terschelling then follow for a while before turning in for the approach to Aalborg .
23 I thought my form had been good enough throughout the year to warrant selection , but there is always that niggling doubt , especially as I had angered Frank Dick by not turning up for a relay practice at Loughborough where he was engaged in running the annual Summer School for athletics .
24 Gesner , turning up for the dress rehearsal the next morning , was rather bored .
25 Having selected your water and turned up for a day 's fishing you then have to decide where the fish will be on the day in question .
26 Vera turned up for a cup of coffee dinner time and ended up staying there rest of the afternoon dinner with us , oh no come on in , give us it , where you sitting , off she went
27 In the qualifying stages they were drawn against Finland and Norway and staggered unconvincingly towards the finals , after only 13 members of the pool turned up for a training session at Ayr before the vital away match in Oslo .
28 He turned up for a remand hearing at Redbridge court covered in baby oil to make it difficult for warders to grab hold of him .
29 The parents paraded with placards outside the Forest of Dean District Council offices as members turned up for a planning meeting .
30 I learnt this lesson the hard way : I turned up for a dinner party having remembered everything for the baby , even flowers for the hostess , and then the baby was sick all over my lovely silk skirt !
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