Example sentences of "turn [adv prt] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is a kind of feedback into the black community : stories about going for a job , getting turned down and explaining the failure as caused by being black get fed back to other blacks and so nourish conceptions about the structure of society .
2 ‘ When the first High Queen cheated the curse by creating the Enchantment of the Bloodline , ’ said Dierdriu , ‘ the sorceress is said to have turned back and made a curious prophecy .
3 You could have just turned round and had a look .
4 The two officers gave chase but Dunsheath suddenly turned round and brandished an open Lock Knife at one of them , PC Adams .
5 The two officers gave chase but Dunsheath suddenly turned round and brandished an open lock knife at one of them .
6 She turned over and felt an agonising wave of humiliation sweep over her , as she remembered his expression .
7 And then he turned over and saw the empty crumpled pillow beside him , and it hit him in a great wave .
8 She turned over and gave a loud wail .
9 Back on the main road , one kilometre out of the village , it is worth turning off and making the short drive up to the Pico da Torre viewpoint which gives a lovely view of Câmara de Lobos .
10 At the next junction it turned off and rejoined the Edgware Road running back south .
11 One of the consortium 's most experienced miners said : ‘ A lot of the lads are in a desperate situation , but they are still turning up and working every hour .
12 Amarabout , a Zaidani , turned up and toured the streets in his Mercedes ; Sulaiman Musbah and his brother and some other Zuwaya went to Benghazi to protest about the irresponsible withdrawal of the police .
13 ‘ You 're unwilling to tell me who 's at the back of all this , so I thought I 'd keep a watch in case anyone turned up and solve the mystery myself . ’
14 They took a pace or two and then , suddenly , Karl turned back and spat a couple of words .
15 Little puffs of gas jetted out as it turned around and searched the sky for a new target .
16 As he was leaving he turned around and threw a small box on to the bed .
17 Then he turned around and held the taper up to illuminate the scene .
18 You can combine the pirouette with the hovering circuit by turning around and taking the model around too , as before , but with the model always pointing into wind ( Fig. 7.4 ) .
19 But when it did not come , she turned about and saw the child with her head bowed and the tears running down her cheeks .
20 Alice turned round and saw a great crowd of people .
21 I turned round and saw an old Austin Ten slowly approaching us .
22 people and all sit out erm the landlord turned round and said no way hos , I 'm not having it there sort of thing .
23 then again all I turned round and said the bloke that I hit , he said he did n't want to press charges , but then I thought the police can bring out their own prosecution against me but they turned round and said no he does n't want to press charges so we 'll just caution you again .
24 One day when this happened , Dinah , exasperated , turned round and slapped the good lady 's face .
25 He turned round and directed a torrent of abuse at me .
26 They all we , turned round and went the other way again !
27 I was suddenly filled with great anger and , without thinking , I turned round and delivered the most beautiful right hook to his jaw as he stood there grinning .
28 looked around and said well he said looked at me said er well cos he was just about to g throw a wobbly and say , well surely the sales department should be dealing with this , should be should be giving him the information and he he just turned round and gave the aforementioned quote and I just sort of went yes it is .
29 Turn down and pour the milk through a strainer into a bowl .
30 Then turn over and read the advice on pages 8–10 .
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