Example sentences of "turn [to-vb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My husband and I take turns to sit at the stall .
2 So one turns to look at the statute that governs the practice on the criminal side , section 23 of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 :
3 Bernice turned to rage at the woman .
4 Corbett caught phrases , ‘ See from Heaven the Judge descendeth ’ and , turning to look at the coffin , vowed that the young man awaiting burial would not have to wait until Judgement Day for justice .
5 Marvin gaped , turning to look at the newcomer .
6 Silence spread slowly across the supper tables as the hundreds of guests turned to stare at the Rifleman who , in turn , searched the supper tables for a particular person .
7 Two technicians , the only other occupants , turned to stare at the intruder .
8 They both turned to look at the child .
9 She turned to look at the registrar as he strode smiling into the room , and her bemused expression must have registered .
10 He turned to look at the clock .
11 Morse turned to look at the waters once more before he left , then sat silently in the passenger-seat of the police car as Lewis had a final word with Sergeant Dixon .
12 Lucille stopped , turned to look at the girl once more then , intuitively , she knew the answer and looked for confirmation into d'Alembord 's worried face .
13 And at that moment , as he turned to look at the girl again with a glint of admiration in his eyes , Ronni was aware of a reaction deep inside her .
14 She stretched with remembered delight , then turned to look at the man lying so quietly next to her .
15 Then she turned to look at the Frenchman and spoke softly in his language .
16 McIllvanney said angrily , then turned to look at the yard where a silver-grey stretch limo , its windows tinted black against the sun , rolled ponderously to park beside the stairs to his office .
17 Behind him a car passed and he turned to look at the occupants .
18 The Doctor and Lacuna turned to look at the screens .
19 Blake turned to look at the Doctor .
20 Patrick turned to look at the street , wondering what had brought Collins here ; but it seemed just another poor tenement side street .
21 He was nearing the top of the hill and turned to look at the view as an excuse for a breather .
22 When they were in the woods Tess turned to look at the house .
23 He turned to look at the trees , but they were bare .
24 His Mum turned to look at the car that had crushed the arrow bits .
25 She half turned to look at the figure beside her and this proved a near fatal mistake .
26 From time to time he turned to shout at the girl behind him .
27 Right ? ’ he added , turning to wink at the policewoman across the room .
28 Luke dropped his grip on her and turned to glance at the door , as if he intended to go and put his question to the man himself .
29 Breeze turned to glance at the man who had just entered the shop , and saw that it was Roger Kenyon .
30 She turned to gaze at the man who 'd approached silently and stood a little behind her on her left .
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