Example sentences of "turn [adv] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Where the tracks turns right at the woods , walk ahead to the gap in the hedge where the path joins the Ridgeway ( 639 032 ) .
2 Women simply never turned up at the showrooms of one of America 's top designers dressed like that , and with practically no make-up .
3 Carrie looked at him and saw his mouth turning down at the corners .
4 Here we see the usual linen winding-sheet , parted to show not only the face but the entire body , with the arms placed at his side and turned in at the elbows so that the hands meet over the groin .
5 From the basic shape it can be deduced that the arms were placed alongside the body , turned in at the elbows , with the hands on the groin .
6 ‘ I am happy to have afforded you amusement , ma'am , ’ he said ironically , and turned in at the gates of the Lodge .
7 ‘ He was going to hit you , ’ she said , and her mouth turned down at the corners .
8 The marquis 's lips turned down at the corners .
9 ‘ We got rid of an old woman and replaced him with a younger one , ’ Fergus said , mouth turned down at the corners , staring over his whisky tumbler and across the room to where his wife was talking to Antonia .
10 He had a pale face , deep blue eyes , hair darker and straighter than hers , and a mouth which curved and turned up at the corners in an almost feminine way .
11 Pauline 's wide , full mouth turned up at the corners .
12 The opening day of the trial was to be devoted to legal arguments and Mr Beltrami , Moira , Meehan and myself turned up at the Courts of Justice to hear them .
13 James turned up at the docks expecting a luxury liner , only to find a cargo ship and a deck-hand 's job waiting for him .
14 ‘ There was the time I turned up at the Arts Lab ( first and last time ) to see the Dylan film and could n't afford it .
15 He was happier with this , though , than with his rather over-pan-fried John Dory , which was dry and turned up at the edges .
16 It would be easy enough ( in theory ) to get money for Everest or K2 , but if Mick and Vic turned up at the doors of a giant multi-national with the word ‘ Ultar ’ on their portfolio , they might well be shown the corporate door .
17 The teacher turned up at the police station at eight the next morning to tell me she was taking responsibility for my daughter .
18 Both varieties bear leaves of the same basic shape , but whereas the leaves on the Chardonnay are concave , turning upwards at the edges allowing the underside to obscure the upper surface , the leaves on the Pinot Blanc are not .
19 The yellowish horns are of medium length , growing outwards and then curving slightly forwards in the bull , and finer and well spread in the cow , whose horns grow in various directions but preferably level and turning upwards at the tips , which are black .
20 turn right at the lights and er , then take the first left and there 's a pub called The Bull
21 Turn right at the cottages .
22 The arms positioned alongside the body turn in at the elbows with the hands over the groin .
23 or they turn up at the gates and go shit Mr like the headmaster 's on the door and my nipples are in and they go hang on I 've got some ice cubes here , put them on and they come out and er they go by the nipples , your nipples are looking good today .
24 LENNY KAYE , sometime guitarist and sometime producer , is a man in his 40s with facial lines that turn up at the edges and spell affability .
25 LENNY KAYE , sometime guitarist and sometime producer , is a man in his 40s with facial lines that turn up at the edges and spell affability .
26 Maggie 's eyes are long and wide like certain nuts , and they turn up at the ends like maidens from Disney .
27 and then you come up and turn left at the florists
28 ‘ If those two English lads from Northallerton will turn up at the pics ?
29 I 'm afraid so , I mean a lot of these things , you can have a basic idea , and then your flowers do n't turn up at the markets and all them sort of things , although we 've got a wonderful garden and I 've got quite a lot I can use .
30 When it was wet she would turn up at the cafés with galoshes .
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