Example sentences of "turn [prep] a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Unpretentious yet beautiful orange brick and pantiled watermills , trout farms and farmhouses rest peacefully in isolated spots and cosy little hamlets appear unexpectedly as one turns of a bend of a woldland way .
2 Mr and Mrs Bumble walked up the main street of the town , then turned towards a group of ruined old houses next to the river .
3 The Temple of Yahwe was turned into a temple of Zeus Olympios , the inhabitants of Jerusalem were called Antiochenes and the mysterious Acra , the fortress , was occupied by a Syrian garrison : traditional Jewish practices , such as circumcision and the observance of the Sabbath , were prohibited .
4 ‘ You know Angel House is being turned into a Museum of the Theatre ? ’
5 The expansion of the Virgin operation , the sharp influx of profits ( the loss of £900,000 reported at the beginning of 1981 had been turned into a profit of £1.5m by the beginning of 1982 ) , and the more aggressive attitude of performers to selling themselves had all put Virgin in a more competitive milieu and frame of mind .
6 Bank Assistants were told there was room at the top , but this mirage has turned into a desert of empty dry promises , sun bleached skeletons of the fallen victims and descending spirals of the vultures , vigilant for the weak .
7 Hitler 's speech on 20 July after the attempt on his life was turned into a criticism of him and the regime .
8 It is almost titualistic that parade is turned into a celebration of the communal-like bonds of the section .
9 But even back then in that golden age for the company , there were early forerunners of the devastating failures that have turned into a way of dismal life from the dawn of the 1980s .
10 She has turned into a champion of the underdog , gone out on a limb to support unglamorous causes like AIDS victims , drug abusers and the mentally handicapped .
11 I mean it 's turned into a bit of a joke now really
12 And this recession that we 've been coming out of for so many years now it 's I mean it 's just turned into a bit of a joke !
13 The game can be developed , rapidly turned into a form of role play — a " Hunter and Hunted " situation — by asking , " Who are you ? "
14 It was as if he had turned into a block of ice .
15 The very strength of some of the characteristics of bureaucracy may in some cases be turned into a cause of weakness .
16 My forest of trees could indeed have been turned into a forest of nerves , with each jagged branch poking into that guilty skull like the accusing fingers of God 's darker or more vengeful angels .
17 Germany , once the greatest supporter of a united Europe , has turned into a nation of bewildered sceptics intent on forcing Bonn to claw back some lost sovereignty .
18 Native peoples throughout the world were also turned into a source of picturesque ethnic entertainment on railway stations .
19 You 're going to spend the next few months hanging over them with your heart thumping in case they 've stopped breathing and the next few years after that stopping them committing suicide because a perfectly ordinary house has turned into a minefield of electricity and stairs and windows and boiling kettles .
20 Could I ever again trust the being I had turned into a sort of god ?
21 It took place immediately after Air France had turned in a loss of 685 million francs .
22 He was so handsome , so present — it was a warmth and vitality that only his immense rage had masked , making her lash out in self-defence , but now that it was turned to a kind of gentle humour , and — she had to admit it — a single-minded interest in her she found him dangerously attractive .
23 In the mud , which the shelling had now turned to a consistency of sticky butter , troops stumbled and fell repeatedly ; cursing in low undertones , as if fearful of being overheard by the enemy who relentlessly pursued them with his shells at every step .
24 We have now turned almost full circle , but instead of employing someone to bait the swim , we have turned to a choice of mechanical devices which do a similar job .
25 " In that case , " said the second brother , " I wish all these doves could be turned to a herd of cattle , and I wish they belonged to me . "
26 ‘ Two weeks , ’ she managed to articulate , and then stood there , mouth clamped , feet rooted , as though turned to a pillar of salt , as though the deep deep boredom of childhood had reclaimed her , had rendered her helpless and speechless and powerless , the child in the attic , praying for time to pass and blood to flow .
27 It was as though someone had turned on a current of electricity , and with every second that passed the image became brighter and stronger .
28 Miaow , thought Jenny as young Curtis stood up awkwardly and set off for the bar , turning after a couple of steps to ask , ‘ What do you want ? ’
29 The Headmaster turned towards a row of small carts sitting on a miniature railway track that stretched the length of the corridor .
30 I keep a journal that seems to be turning into a sort of year-book of the area , a little account of the way the seasons turn .
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