Example sentences of "turn [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After a further mile towards Chapel-le-Dale , a track turns off the road to the left and goes down to the beck in the valley bottom , arriving at a section roofed by a natural arch of considerable length .
2 This definition is clarified when Sadat turns off the road through an entrance discreet enough to admit the car with only a centimetre on either side .
3 Provided the ultimate prognosis were one of improvement or recovery , it is submitted that anyone — doctor , medical attendant , or other — who turns off the ventilator with knowledge that death will result and an intent to bring this about is guilty of murder .
4 But by the time I had turned off the road from Bellingham at Kielder village and driven up the bumpy Forest Drive to East Kielder Farm , I was longing for the sight of something other than water and trees .
5 It is unique in that juniors come first , are welcomed at all times in and out of the club house , on and off of the courts and will never be turned off the courts by seniors .
6 Approval listings will only be produced in your current default directory if the LIFESPAN manager has NOT turned off the production of approval listings .
7 Similarly when the phase is turned off the decay of current can be temporarily reversed as the induced voltage passes through its maximum negative value .
8 The odds had turned towards the Giants on Sunday after a 6-4 win at Candlestick Park .
9 I see that behind the bluff little moustache and the liquid , fish-liver eyes — in my photograph the eyes are turned towards the prince of Wales ( himself a rather ghostly figure under a solar helmet ) — shelters another presence .
10 The front leg is bent at the knee ; the rear leg is kept perfectly straight , with the toes turned towards the front at a 45-degree angle .
11 Standing on the ridge above the Kennet valley with their backs turned against the spectacle of what they had found , she and Ursula said little as the early morning slowly advanced .
12 The fundamental stress on proper moral order as the basis of a healthy society could be dangerously two-edged ; it could plausibly be turned against the reformers by the assertion that abolition and emancipation would cut off the civilising influence of Europeans on Africans and result in social and political upheaval in the colonies .
13 Mr Patten said that he had not turned against the idea of any and all new towns : ‘ So long as the location is right and so long as people can have real confidence that a decision in favour of a new settlement will relieve development pressures elsewhere , then new villages and new settlements could have a part to play in increasing the acceptability of new housing decisions . ’
14 He had then been horrified by what he had done , and had turned against the creature to which he stood as God stood to Adam — that sounded like the baffled reformer again to me !
15 Food was placed to sizzle on the barbecue , and was turned with the help of long utensils , and as she worked beside Silas , moving rapidly to turn first one piece and then another , Lucy became conscious of a feeling of quiet satisfaction .
16 So that they can be turned onto the track like going to the goods show .
17 The van had turned into the lane to Applewick — the lane that was crossed by the low bridge !
18 However , the home team took the lead after 25 minutes when David Straney outpaced the Larne full back and his low cross was turned into the net by Clarke .
19 But Annadale levelled in the 41st minute when Chris Jackson sent John Stephens clear and his cross was turned into the net by a Western defender .
20 The seasiders increased their lead on 37 minutes when Glendinning again provided the cross from the left which was turned into the net by McCallan at the back post .
21 Also thanks for the stuff you sent me , Joo , about the origins of the list and the initial gang of seven that 's turned into the mob of 60 .
22 Upstairs , a child 's bedroom had been turned into the equivalent of a multiplex cinema complete with flickering 12-inch video monitor .
23 Back in August we joined forces with Cossack and asked you to look at your fella and tell us if the man of your dreams had turned into the man of your nightmares !
24 By the following year that innocence of 1969 had turned into the appearance of the first page three girls in the freshly Murdoch-bought Sun .
25 This could be turned into the future by add the suffix -mi .
26 It had echoed after she 'd left him , as she 'd turned into the archway in the wall and passed through the shrubbery of azaleas and magnolias and tree mallows , as she 'd passed through the drawing-room and the hall .
27 They hurried into an 11th minute lead when Gordon Strachan 's free kick was turned into the path of Rod Wallace by defender Alan Kernaghan , and Wallace duly collected his eighth goal of the season .
28 In simple terms health authorities have been turned into the buyers of health care , and , rather than the providers of health care .
29 Known as Ashton Mill , it is an impressive white tower mill of conical shape , built of the local limestone and having a wooden cap bearing the sails which could be turned into the wind by a hand-operated chain drive .
30 They were forbidden by law to return to within thirty kilometres of their estates , and their houses were turned into the offices of state farms , rest homes for party bosses or factory workers , schools , mad-houses , orphanages or just left to crumble .
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