Example sentences of "where it [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A second technique is deconcentration — although functions may be departmentalised in a single central government department , it may nevertheless be desirable for administration to be dispersed from the geographical centre and into the regions and localities where it takes actual effect ‘ on the ground ’ .
2 Go on I tell you what why do n't you flip it over and start on the other side , even though it says this side done , this is an old tape from a seismograph and er we were afraid to use it in our work but I think the sound 's alright on it , you flip it over and where it says this side down , put that side up and use the other half of the tape and let me hear your comments back .
3 Our survey rates Shell most highly for its management quality , where it took first place ( see table 3 ) .
4 Belgium , he remarked , was a state addicted to backstairs deals and perpetual campaigning , where it took 100 days just to form a government .
5 This revised proposal was reflected in E 38 , Inventories , where it attracted considerable comment , with a sizeable minority , not surprisingly , arguing for the retention of LIFO .
6 The nutty edge is carried through into the flavour , where it meets pleasant hints of green apples and greengages .
7 Continue on track as it bends right then curves round edge of large field , then past a second building and up minor ridge , where it meets another track coming up from right .
8 The idea has now reached dimensions where it requires some assistance by individuals with stature and/or money to legitimize its growth .
9 This religious dimension is conserved as a sub text in many political ideologies , where it furnishes particular articles of faith in the self-emancipation of ethnic minorities , or in their special role as makers of their own history .
10 Where it employs professional musicians full- or part-time it should ensure that their salaries take account of their training and qualifications as well as of the time and contribution which they are expected to give to the worship .
11 Together they plot to undermine and ruin their errant spouses by hitting them where it hurts corporate types the hardest : their egos and bank balances .
12 Extensive shallow lakes or lagoons of salt or soda water , where it builds conical heaps of mud on which to lay its eggs .
13 Potential targets for arachidonic acid include not only the presynaptic terminal , where it may act to increase L-glutamate release , but also glial cells where it depresses L-glutamate uptake and the postsynaptic cell , where , for example , it can potentiate NMDA receptor-mediated currents .
14 The failure of the Warsaw uprising , where it had several adherents among the Russian officers of the garrison , dealt the organization a severe blow .
15 Wheat was favoured , not merely because of its immediate importance as a basic food , but because it demanded least capital and least care , even where it meant wretched cultivations : only one-tenth of the cereal secano was farmed in regular rotations of wheat and legumes ; a quarter was cultivated only once every six or ten years .
16 Firstly , harmonisation of national policies , especially in areas where it offers obvious advantages , e.g. labour mobility .
17 And he told reporters before the meeting : ‘ I support the IRA 's right to engage in armed struggle — where it wages armed engagements is a matter for itself . ’
18 Elsag Bailey SpA has acquired Ferranti International Controls Inc of Houston , and according to the Financial Times , Ferranti International Plc is in process of getting out of the US , where it does some $100m a year , some 25% of the total , and employs about 1,000 people : it is winding up a Pennsylvania company , Ferranti International Simulation & Training and will sell the rest .
19 Section 7(4) imposes a duty on the disposal authority to issue such a notice where it appears that continuation of activities to which the licence relates would cause pollution of water , a danger to public health or are seriously detrimental to amenities of the locality , and can not be avoided by modifying the conditions specified in the licence .
20 The ribbon could be fed into a casting machine in another part of the building , where it cast single characters , producing a quality of type much better suited to bookwork than was a Linotype slug .
21 In the BZW forecast , Peter Thomson said the FT-SE index should be back to 2,100-2,200 by the end of this month and would at best hold its own next year but more likely fall to 1,800 , where it started this year .
22 It has been pointed out that " unreasonableness " has been used in two ways in this area : ( a ) in an " umbrella " sense where it has been used as a synonym for abuse of power covering the various aspects of abuse of power already mentioned ; ( b ) in a substantive sense where it means manifest unreasonableness , a decision or exercise of power that is so unreasonable that no reasonable man would agree with it .
23 There was a shock for the SDLP in Newry and Mourne where it lost two seats , reducing its strength to 15 .
24 There was also a shock for the SDLP in Newry and Mourne where it lost two seats , reducing its strength to 15 .
25 After commissioning a script from Buckaroo Banzai 's Earl McGroush and scouting locations , they quietly returned to their previous existence as bellhops , allowing Neuromancer to return to Gibson 's agent , where it attracts continual interest , notably from Robin Williams and a desperate Bruce Willis .
26 The natural habitat is the coastal waters of West Africa between the Rivers Senegal and Congo , where it makes occasional excursions into freshwater .
27 The company is contracted to look after engines at two big RAF bases , where it provides unscheduled attention beyond the scope of routine maintenance .
28 When the main ( COM or EXE ) file reaches a stage where it needs additional instructions from a subsidiary file , it calls up that file and runs through those instructions to complete the task .
29 Chloroguanide was not itself a pyrimidine , but it was sufficiently close for it to be tested in L. casei , where it showed interesting effects , resembling some of Hitchings ' compounds .
30 It is particularly prevalent in developing countries where it claims 250000 victims each year .
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