Example sentences of "about [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was just about to sink into a state of total collapse when Tom cried :
2 Rachaela felt a bitter pity for her daughter , this blow about to fall like an axe .
3 I 'll get pictures of Mrs. just about to fall in the sea or something
4 I 'm about to invest in a brand new , superduper , anti-obsolescence computer and I feel as confident as if I were shopping for a pair of skis .
5 But it is not about to flower into a world directorate with its own army .
6 I am about to retire to the breakfast parlour with Mr Beckenham and Miss Merchiston .
7 She turned away and was about to swing into the jeep when he strode forward and barred her way with the racket across the open doorway .
8 What the pair of county ladies thought of its mid-thigh hemline Harry could not imagine , but he for one was not about to object to the brush of her black-stockinged knees against his drab-trousered legs .
9 As Flavia was about to trot down the drive she told herself , The world is not full of bugbears .
10 The boys were about to go into the building again after their first successful looting when suddenly somebody shouted : ‘ I Tedeschi , i Tedeschi arrivano ! ’
11 Right , well I suppose the big sporting story of the evening has to be the boxing ; George Forman , who 's forty-one is about to go into the ring in er London 's Docklands arena .
12 He really looked so absurdly young and guileless , so like a starry-eyed subaltern about to go over the top into the machine-guns of the Somme , that Maxim almost answered .
13 Everytime I am about to go to a cup match I imagine myself travelling back home feeling like shit .
14 ‘ What height is this table ? ’ he said suddenly , just as I was about to go to the breadbin for a slice to wipe my plate with .
15 If a person were to announce to a policeman that he was about to go to the house of his sworn enemy and beat the living daylights out of him , it would not make sense if the law were that the policeman had to follow the suspect to the locus in quo and only then arrest him .
16 I arrived at Salisbury Cathedral , just as the bride was about to go up the aisle .
17 Perhaps a common expression of this are the preparations people undertake when they are about to go on a trip .
18 THE BRITISH government may be about to go on a spending spree — buying up stocks of rare metals for use by industry if stocks run short .
19 Also about to go on a journey of self-discovery which must bring me back to my beginnings .
20 It was about sex — not about sexual politics — but another show was about to go on the road , and Oz had got there first .
21 ‘ I was about to go for a turn around the village , ’ said Hope , switching the subject , as he thought , adroitly .
22 Thus , for example , if people believe that the stock market is about to go through a period of ‘ boom ’ with share prices going up rapidly , they will switch some of their wealth into stocks and shares .
23 A special accolade for Stefan , that prodigy of a man who virtually single-handed got everything together on time , and then , just as he was about to go through the orchestra door he saw Madge Grimsilk , the headdress of a rat under her arm , hurrying up to the wings .
24 He looked around and saw Pete about to go out the door .
25 ‘ It 's all very exciting for me at the moment , here I am about to go around the world for the first time , seeing cities like New York , which I have always dreamed of seeing .
26 She was about to go round the back when the casement on the ground floor creaked open and an ample hand appeared followed by a full face , framed by thick straight grey hair , secured with a slide .
27 In general the move towards wage supplementation in the rural South and East enabled the old Poor Law just about to cope with the problem of subsisting the poor in a period of unprecedentedly high bread prices , during which some years can only be described as desperate .
28 She sat down and was about to indulge in a fit of angry tears when the phone rang .
29 She cleared her throat nervously and was just about to launch into a business like explanation when he said suddenly , ‘ So what 's with the altered image ? ’
30 So are restrictions about to tighten like a drysuit seal around our necks ?
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