Example sentences of "within [art] few [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Within a few hours a scum appears on top of the wort and this rapidly builds up into a great yellowy-brown crust as the yeast turns the sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide .
2 But within a few hours the mood changed and what Docherty now describes as ‘ unforeseen forces ’ began to operate .
3 The embankments which he had vainly tried to have reinforced by the zemindars would now be brimming and beginning to overflow … within a few hours the country around the embankments would be flooded and ignorance , stupidity and superstition would have triumphed once more as they have triumphed again and again in human affairs since time began !
4 Within a few hours the 126-member Slovene delegation walked out in protest over this defeat and over votes on amendments to the draft congress declaration , which had thereby rejected clear commitments to human rights and to closer ties with West European organizations .
5 Unless the heart starts beating again within a few minutes the person will die , and in fifty per cent of all fatal heart attacks the victim dies within thirty minutes .
6 Within a few minutes the basket was more than half full of food , and Mary was pouring the soup into the thermos .
7 Led by Lt Fusata Iida they flew in at a height of 50ft and within a few minutes the airfield was a smoking mess .
8 Within a few minutes the picture was effervescing as part of it had been painted on gesso .
9 Within a few minutes the atmosphere in the bay was normal , and Ace was jetting towards the shuttle 's cabin door .
10 Within a few years a temporary revival was on the way , however , and William Titford , grandson of William the Emigrant , was achieving a fair degree of success as a partner in the silk-manufacturing business of Cotes , Titford and Brookes , then operating in Union Street , Bishopsgate .
11 Tace , describing the orchid in his novel , had also told where it was to be found , and within a few years every tuber and plant of leuchorchis albida had been stripped from the moor .
12 But , as Action on Smoking and Health predicted that within a few years the majority of companies will have smoking policies , Roger Stubbs , deputy managing director of MORI , warned a confrontation is looming between ‘ green consumers ’ and ‘ smoking civil libertarians ’ who insist aggressively on their right to smoke in public places or at work .
13 Within a few years the movies had added a significant number of other social groups to its audience .
14 Within a few years the William Tyndale School returned to normal , and it is now a popular and flourishing institution .
15 No solution was found : within a few years the European powers were at war again , essentially over the question whether Spain and her colonies were going to pass into the hands of a relation of the King of France or a relation of the Holy Roman Emperor ; in the end they passed into the French line of descent , and in the eighteenth century policy towards France had always to be conducted in the light of the possibility that the French and Spanish government might ally for war .
16 But within a few years the Americans were using new machines , a fraction of the size , that an unskilled woman could operate for a fraction of the pay , and upon which she could spin as many stockings an hour as the Black Beauty — and without seams .
17 Within a few years the organisation was divided by decision of Annual Conference into seven districts , each covering between two and seven branches and each electing one representative to the Executive , except London , which was given two .
18 Within a few years the increased prosperity of the yard had so impressed John Shuttleworth that he turned the business over to him .
19 Within a few years the improved navigability of the river Don enabled them to compete even more successfully in distant markets .
20 This grant is subject to considerable change at present owing to alterations in the HEFCE funding arrangements for universities , but it is hoped that within a few years the total income will rise to new levels .
21 Within a few days a reply came .
22 Within a few days a unit was formed in Halling under the command of Captain Wanstall .
23 Within a few days a new Meghalaya United Parliamentary Party government was sworn in , headed by B. B. Lyngdoh .
24 Sparrow Force landed at the island 's north-west port of Koebang to protect its airfield , but within a few days the Independent Company , with some Dutch troops , was sent east along the coast to occupy Dili in the Portuguese half of the island ( see map p. 77 ) where they landed on 17 December 1941 .
25 Within a few days the troubled Asylum Bill itself disappeared from the Lord 's timetable for the remainder of the current Parliament .
26 Within a few days the whispers had become a roar — South Africa for the 1995 World Cup .
27 There were but six people on board , all of whom were killed and although the event was duly reported in the press and other media as one might expect , the world proceeded with its normal business and within a few days the matter had receded into the background .
28 As soon as this is big enough to cling to , the speed of construction accelerates and within a few days the wall has become a semicircular cup of creamy white interlacing strings that is just big enough to hold the customary clutch of two eggs .
29 Within a few days the Slovene peasants of the Krka valley between Novo Mesto and the Croatian border had also risen .
30 Within a few days the oil slick , first reported on Jan. 24 , had grown to measure 55 km long by 15 km wide .
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