Example sentences of "within [art] [adv] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When it is realized that of the fifteen largest corporations in the world in 1978 , three were car manufacturers , eight were oil companies , and one was in chemicals , it can be appreciated that the largest corporations within the most concentrated sections of international capital formation are committing more than their share of law violations .
2 His shop was in the merchants ' quarter of the city — a maze of buildings which had been divided and sub-divided , so great was the demand for space , which lay within the strictly enforced boundaries of the streets which radiated from the Golden Yurt like the spokes of a wheel .
3 This makes it possible to calculate the number of visits performed within the previously claimable hours of 2300 to 0700 and comparisons can therefore be made with historical numbers of claims for night visits and with earlier published research .
4 Among politicians who have spent their lives working within the seemingly fixed assumptions of the Cold War came a sobering recognition of the speed and scale of events , which even prompted Mrs Thatcher to stress that talk of a reunited Germany was ‘ going much too fast .
5 It may be that in New South Wales , Category 3 , which carries the seven-year penalty , has been constructed too broadly and that some conduct which it covers should have been placed within the more serious categories .
6 The growth of the liturgical movement , the lay apostolate , biblical scholarship , the need for Catholics to participate in democratic politics at least in order to protect Catholic rights , the urgency of collaborating locally with non-Catholics in opposition to Nazism : all this and much else had produced a profoundly altered consciousness within the more wide-awake parts of the Church by the later years of Pius XII 's reign .
7 There are no parish or town councils within London or the major urban centres of other large cities though some exist within the more rural parts of metropolitan districts .
8 There is a misapprehension that Northern Ireland is the only category 1 area that will not benefit from that , but that fund is designed to help the poorest member states , not poorer regions or provinces within the more prosperous nations .
9 These prominent individuals , the populists of island life , cast in , and ready to accept , the role of ‘ men of the people ’ as a means of acquiring the power denied to them within the more formal mechanisms of local political life , were ready to add housing to their existing concerns .
10 Rhapsodie The patterns fill the stage in all its dimensions whilst remaining within the more conventional patterns of older ballets .
11 This person may well plan the development of the discourse in advance ( as is hopefully the case with lessons ) within the fairly narrow limits of the social conventions for that discourse type .
12 And to reiterate the essentially active role of the artist in the whole process , Yass ' shadowy figure appears within the somewhat heightened colours of each portrait 's background , arm raised and hand poised on the shutter-release , a pose that recalls all those mirrored images of artists at their easel .
13 His mischievous words , however , were to prove within a very few minutes appallingly prescient .
14 To her surprise , within a very few minutes of passing the broken signpost , she came upon her ‘ pony tree ’ .
15 Within a very few weeks of his father 's death , Lewis found himself obliged once more to take up the routines of an Oxford term : weekly tutorials , college meetings and lectures .
16 In Mr Coleman 's early career , and even until within a very few years , the veterinary art , so far as regards its application to cattle , sheep , swine , dogs , etc. , was in the lowest state of barbarism and degradation .
17 If such a system is adopted , it may keep TV viewers happy for a few years , but it will prove a handicap to the growth of information technology and a source of discontent within a very few years .
18 Within a very few years it succeeded in drastically altering the climate in its own homelands — much to the pain of surviving Liberals , such as Harnack , who saw in the entire regrettable enterprise the swamping of properly respectable theological and historical study by a wave of sheer barbarism , of uncouth and indeed vulgar ‘ enthusiasm ’ .
19 The railway pushed on to Birmingham , the army of navvies departed , the convulsion subsided , and within a very few years
20 Mercifully , I was able to complete all I had to do within a very few days and I wondered whether the Sheikh had put a few words in the right ears .
21 I fled to the Students ' Union where , within a very few days , I found myself co-opted onto the Students ' Council .
22 If I stayed on at Bletchley — which I was reluctant to leave — I should scarcely ever see Leslie before the invasion of France , which we all knew was expected within a very few months .
23 So dead bodies are hygienically whisked away by undertakers within a very short ti me of the person dying , funerals are conducted in twenty minutes at a busy crematorium with a bizarre queue of other funerals waiting in an approach way , and grieving people are expected to be back at their employment in as short a time as possible .
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