Example sentences of "within [art] [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If we consider the B II conformations we have created within the CRE dodecamer in this light , it is found that they all belong to junctions of the type XS or XX .
2 Recently there has been a change in emphasis within the textile industry from Europe to the Far East , and CAC has had to react to this new situation .
3 Infrastructure , that 's related to the actual infrastructure of the er microelectronics , electronics and computer software market within the U K as as a rule .
4 Thatcherism was born and during the last decade there has been record redundancies and bankruptcies within the U K as a whole .
5 A second phenomenon within the headhunting business in the 1980s is the transition of firms from advertised/selection-based recruitment to search ; this was achieved by the old-established British firms Clive & Stokes and Tyzack & partners .
6 In June 1984 we searched a 70'x100' field centred on 17h04min30s , -44°20' with the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope ( MOST ) array and in May 1986 observed two adjacent fields to complete a search within the error circle of the COS-B γ -source .
7 And that the Department could make better use of the great store of experience within the teaching profession during the consultation process .
8 There is an empty throne within the throne room of our hearts that only God can fill .
9 Despite such differences and tensions , it is nevertheless suggested that these are best viewed as variations within the functionalist style of public law thought .
10 The student will develop a working knowledge of tourist destinations within the land mass of Europe , the Mediterranean coastlands and islands , and the Atlantic islands of the north west coast of Africa .
11 We have shown that , within the B family of conformations , sugars adopt one of three states ( see figure 6 ) : high phase , low amplitude C2'-endo ( termed ‘ S ’ ) , low phase , high amplitude C2'-endo ( termed ‘ X ’ ) and O1'-endo ( termed ‘ E ’ ) .
12 these people are key professionals who often influence the policy decisions made by locally elected members within the committee structure of local government , particularly when major decisions are taken about educational issues .
13 But those within the service point to the investment in training as a major contributory factor to an increasingly professional service .
14 Although there may be differences between er Professor Lock 's approach and Harrogate 's superficially I think the the mutual objective seems to be er between the two strategic site within the development plan in Harrogate district and on the access one site of the A one A fifty nine junction .
15 The removal of tariffs can reduce monopoly power within the home country by increasing the possible sources of supply .
16 In the recent film Return of the Jedi , for example , the imaginative licence of science fiction is combined with a reverence for genres already developed within the film industry in order to offer images of Orientalism and primitivism extended and exaggerated beyond the point of realistic representation of ‘ other ’ peoples or goods ( for an extension of this argument see Miller forthcoming ; for a comparable example see Spooner 1986 ) .
17 No-one can accuse lawyers within the peace movement of failing to seize these opportunities , and yet despite all the energy directed towards establishing that the use — or even possession — of nuclear weapons would be illegal , and drafting treaties and campaigning for their adoption by states , few lawyers have attempted to establish the assumptions on the basis of which this activity takes place .
18 On the other hand , the charting options within the spreadsheet function in Works are robust and simple to operate , with the result that graphics for analysis of publication data are much better than they would otherwise have been .
19 The latter attributed his removal to the ongoing disagreement within the government coalition about legislation to allow former owners to repossess or receive compensation for lands and property confiscated under communist rule [ see p. 37790 ] .
20 The Commission made concessions in some areas but , backed by the Netherlands and the UK , succeeded in staying within the expenditure ceiling of ECU32,500 million set in February 1988 [ see p. 35914 ] .
21 There is a suspicion that some RBG equipment is being used for playing computer games within the working hours of some staff .
22 The document sets out various skills that should be mastered during the year and also states that time should be set aside for education , including protected time within the working week for private study .
23 ‘ He did leave Royston for a while at the same time as you , and a priest would be acceptable within the convent walls at Coldstream . ’
24 We continued on our way and reached Coldstream Priory just after dark , only being admitted within the convent walls after a great deal of shouting and argument .
25 They all involve the use of terms , or an appeal to concepts , that are illegitimate within the physicalist terms of reference of the neurophysiological CTP .
26 As a result I knew that I had recovered everything within the detecting capabilities of my old machine and did not expect that there would be anything left to be found .
27 erm the policies are offered in general most dealers in fairness this question of charging for the policy , in the majority of dealers that we 've actually got they include it within the within the purchase price of the vehicle anyway .
28 In this regard , it is sufficient to point out that a requirement for the registration of a vessel to the effect that it must be managed and its operations directed and controlled from within the member state in which it is to be registered essentially coincides with the actual concept of establishment within the meaning of articles 52 et seq .
29 For decades , there has been little choice within the UK credit within the UK credit insurance market .
30 Merseyside , in contrast , has continued to reflect as much its disadvantaged structural and geographical position within the UK economy as any set of generic urban problems .
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