Example sentences of "always [vb pp] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We were seeking to find if the river always spilled at the same points , and the answer was yes .
2 ‘ I 'm always attracted to the same swirling motif , so a certain harmony is inevitable .
3 Outside the TUC , individual trade unions have their own education programmes which are not always hampered by the same constraints .
4 Every night she greased her face , whited everything out and redrew it just as she had always done ; a heavy coat of pale powder , black mascara , black eyeliner , heavily pencilled black eyebrows , and then , finally , her famous scarlet lips , always perfect , always done in the same shade , Rouge Extrême .
5 You recall that we could not have the needles always selected in the same direction or we would end up with biased fabric ?
6 Whether you are using glue or egg white , the adhesive is always applied in the same manner .
7 Those accusations are always made by the same people who have all but destroyed public support for the local authority concept because of their blindness to the requirements of good financial management within local authorities .
8 A true feeding roll is always performed in the same direction by each rolling bream .
9 Counts were always performed by the same two independent observers .
10 It has always had about the same amount of appeal to me as sheep 's eyes .
11 The poi point about him is he 's a he 's always based in the same place .
12 Have Walsall always played in the same colours as long as you 've been supporting them ?
13 Within the overall Upward trend there have naturally been fluctuations and current and capital expenditure have not always behaved in the same manner .
14 In 90 per cent of the incidents , the victims were horses , almost always assaulted in the same way .
15 Notice that each communication guard unc is always followed by the same process
16 Delay times were rearranged for the consonant groups in the list for each trial so that particular consonant groups were not always associated with the same delay time .
17 New tubes were always inserted in the same ear .
18 Parents turn up to see their own children doing something so attendance is bound to fall off if the major parts in the service are always taken by the same one or two children .
19 The same is time for visits to schools and for the school quiz , where Catholic schools are always paired on the same side as Protestant ones in order to facilitate , again momentarily , some intercommunal co-operation .
20 Always paired off the same .
21 In fixed location , notation was physically attached to certain places on the shelves and books were always filed in the same place .
22 Well the capsule was always worked in the same , in the way
23 A volley consists of 4 separate bolts , but these are always fired towards the same target in the same way as a unit of archers or crossbowmen .
24 Moreover , the two aspects of the debate were not always synchronised in the same people or at the same time .
25 A package is always created in the same way by reserving its name using Option 1.1.1 .
26 A package is always created in the same way by reserving its name using option 1.1.1 .
27 Women 's work is always described in the same way ; decorative , fragile .
28 If , during training , the rat was always released in the same place , and if it was then released in a different one , it could still swim directly to the platform .
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