Example sentences of "always [be] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , recreational provision in the field of art and design education is exceptional in that it normally caters for some 80,000 students , many times more than those on courses leading to qualifications , and has always been at the centre of adult education .
2 Family life has always been at the top of Gooch 's list of personal priorities .
3 Democracy with a strong social policy has always been at the heart of Mr Mitterrand 's thinking .
4 Although isotope studies have always been at the heart of the deep-mantle recycling hypothesis , previous analyses have focused on radiogenic isotope variations ( those that result from radioactive decay , such as the isotopic composition of Sr and Nd ) ; Woodhead et al .
5 When I was writing an essay on Bernard Shaw , I read in one biography that he had attended a Wesleyan school and had always been at the bottom of his form .
6 But , if women 's bodies have always been at the forefront of discussions about painting and sculpture , it was women 's bodies seen and portrayed by men that were dominant .
7 This union has always been at the forefront of health and safety issues within the many industries that we represent .
8 Pinto , who made a winning debut in Carpi , Portugal , in 1991 , and had led his club Benfica to the European Cup , had always been at the front among a big group early on .
9 This means that in the long-run the level of real income will always be at the level associated with full employment , whatever the price level .
10 Perhaps the feeling that you must of necessity always be at the client 's beck and call , and some clients have been known to take advantage of this situation .
11 ‘ I mean , Charles wo n't always be at the War Office .
12 That 's right , and until he does that , until he does , as it were , grasp the mettle and begin to express his purposes , his procedures , directly to the computer , he will always be at the risk that what gets expressed is not what he quite wanted , just a little bit different , he and he alone , is the person who knows what the company purposes are .
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