Example sentences of "always [verb] a [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 To achieve this aim , the CAP always guarantees a price for certain types of produce , so that , even if the produce sells at a poor price or is not sold at all , the farmer receives the going rate .
2 If things get too complicated , he told himself , not for the first time in the last few months , I can always make a run for it .
3 As for the basic question of loyalty to which my hon. Friend referred , that consideration should be fundamental to the acceptance of a civil service job , and I hope that it will always remain a priority for every civil servant , regardless of which party is in power .
4 This always offers an opportunity for someone to attempt to see these serious conflagrations in a wider context , and this has been taken by Dr Grace Simpson as evidence of an uprising of the tribes of Wales ( Simpson , 1964 ) , although the archaeological support from other sites is very tenuous .
5 A I would always plant a tank for Angels out with Amazon Swords as these are what they spawn on their wild state .
6 However , always send a copy for receipting and return .
7 This bias was strengthened by the nature of a socialist regime , which always has a preference for an autarkic system , which can be controlled and ‘ planned ’ , over free trade , which is subject to the ‘ unbridled forces of the market ’ .
8 ‘ He always has a job for us ! ’ said Pip very quietly .
9 A literature essay always has a focus for its subject matter ( e.g. on the novels of Angela Carter , the role of " fool " characters in drama , or the origins of free verse ) , and it also uses a particular mode of argument ( e.g. stylistic analysis , contrast and comparison , or historical contextualisation ) .
10 He teased me about the way in which I always created a background for these exhibitions , isolating them from their surroundings , by arranging a roll of six feet high gray or white corrugated card in columns and bays .
11 I have always felt a proclivity for Kilburn .
12 They have always presented a problem for the application of natural justice .
13 The western slopes of the Annalong Valley are a superb vantage points to watch shepherds and dogs in action , and if your itinerary always includes a stop for a mug of tea then be warned that the only tea-shop I know of in the area is in the park at the bottom of Silent Valley .
14 ‘ Carolyn designed the dress as she has always had a flair for it .
15 Well I do n't know as I d I d although to tell you the truth I 've always had a weakness for pictures ever since I was a boy .
16 In fact , she reminded herself , since they had been children Mandy had always had a knack for getting her sombre cousin , normally something of a goody-two-shoes , into a great deal of trouble .
17 Gary had always had a heart for Switzerland and as he read that verse at Spring Harvest he knew that Switzerland was the place .
18 I 've always had a yen for married women — it 's something to do with being an only son , I suspect , some sort of Oedipal urge to play Daddy 's part with Mummy — and I knew by experience how much care and tact is needed .
19 He had always had a capacity for ruthlessness .
20 She 's always had a smile for me , Mr Feather . "
21 But the people of the Dordogne have always had a reputation for being independent thinkers . ’
22 ‘ Middlesbrough have always had a reputation for encouraging young players .
23 The initiative foundered and Lorna , who has always had a talent for design , remembered an advert she had seen for Colour Counsellors .
24 From the days of exchange control , UK multinational companies have always had a use for the traditional island tax havens , and even the explosion of anti-avoidance legislation in the 1980s has not prevented the use of havens where there is a definite benefit for the company .
25 Botham has always had a taste for showbiz .
26 As he reclined in his sofa , surrounded by a treasure trove of knick-knacks collected from around the world , Mark said he had always had a taste for travel .
27 Harvey had always had a mania for showers and baths and he had taken to the sauna ritual with great enthusiasm .
28 You have always had a passion for rhythmic accuracy and long-term rhythmic control .
29 Bodie had always had a passion for the woman , and he smiled , eyes narrowed and watching appreciatively , as she walked towards him .
30 My father has always had a passion for sailing .
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