Example sentences of "always [verb] [art] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed the ladies always avoided the business trams if they possibly could .
2 In R v Birmingham Juvenile Court , ex pG [ 1988 ] 3 All ER 726 , a case decided under the old law , it was held that a local authority should always consult the guardian ad litem before applying for leave to withdraw an application .
3 However , all the attention can over-stimulate the skin and more spots of blemishes may erupt for a few days afterwards , so always book a back treatment about a week before a special night out .
4 Such boardroom pique may not be unique to Hollywood , though it is characteristic of the shenanigans that have always plagued the entertainment industry .
5 ‘ Mrs Dingle always 'ad a clay pipe stuck in 'er gob .
6 The teacher should always notify the record office in advance and check that there is suitable material for a particular topic .
7 Since Inspect does not distinguish between old and new mail , you will find this considerably less irritating if you always delete the mail messages after you have read them .
8 As she shook hands with the congregation afterwards an old Salvationist thanked her and instructed , " Always preach the blood Eva " .
9 Consciously accumulated record has always given the historian evidence of enormous value ; inscriptions are an example .
10 To charges that this is too much of a good thing , the BBC say they have always given the World Championship around 70 hours and the audience figures remain high .
11 One major block to progress that is created in mathematics is the constant use of a single notation to represent a concept : for example , always labelling a triangle ABC , always using only Cartesian coordinates ( x , y ) in representing points .
12 When she went to the doctor for time off work , she always got a morning appointment and missed out coffee and cigarettes .
13 Therefore , when acting for a mortgagee such as a building society or bank as well as for the buyer-borrower , always make a bankruptcy search against your client on Form K16 .
14 Workers standing by were not always enjoying a leisure preference ; they were sometimes enduring an enforced and hungry idleness .
15 He always used the side door which led into a small office .
16 After all , he had always attacked the rating system , and especially Labour councils which had ‘ hoarded and boarded ’ inner city land and buildings for years .
17 Remember , if you 'd prefer not to cut-up your magazine you can always photocopy the entry form — it will still be valid .
18 I always found the night duties a great strain , and often had to walk up and down outside to clear my head with some fresh air .
19 A simple extension is to provide a particular value of the tag field which does not specify a data format , and which always causes an error condition to be signalled whenever an operand is accessed with this value in the tag field .
20 Kung fu always has a back-up movement in readiness in case a technique fails .
21 She always has a log fire in the hearth , summer and winter .
22 Note that this saving throw is not strictly speaking because of armour , and the Orc always has a saving throw of 6 even if he is struck by a weapon that would normally have a saving throw modifier .
23 At Streatham and Liverpool in November he made his mark , observed by the Fascist apologist A. K. Chesterton ( cousin of G. K. Chesterton ) who recorded in his own life of Mosley that it was William Joyce who was the ‘ brilliant writer , speaker , and exponent of policy … addressed hundreds of meetings , always at his best , always revealing the iron spirit of Fascism in his refusal to be intimidated by violent opposition . ’
24 A mains power supply should always include a mains transformer .
25 Such harassment did not always need a fighting patrol 's strength : Lieutenant J.A .
26 The zeal does not always survive the pedestrian management structures of local government , and perhaps it takes a more than ordinary enthusiasm to persist after the efforts of economizing councillors under pressure to do something about the rates .
27 It is obscured to some extent by the heavily didactic purpose of Masterman Ready and this may partly account for the fact that young readers have always claimed the adult novel , Mr Midshipman Easy , as their own , even though it must always have made considerable demands on their reading skills and their understanding .
28 Where he had been a child , when the fox came at night around the barricaded chicken houses then the old bugger always scented the chicken house sides , left his stirik , boasted that he had been there .
29 He always rejected the hellraiser label but he began living up to his image when , in 1953 , he embarked on a drunken affair with Vivien Leigh while filming Elephant Walk in Ceylon .
30 He respects his profession and treats it very seriously , and always quotes the textbook answer to his client , whether it is Eddie or Marco , or Catherine .
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