Example sentences of "end [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 None was so sweet ( without being cloying ) as that burst of theatrical sunshine at the Comedy Theatre in the West End during a fatal summer heatwave which put paid to the show 's box office takings as well as Warren 's plucky managerial debut .
2 When I first moved to Hackney in London 's East End as a medical student in 1971 I saw the graffito : ‘ HACKNEY — AN ASYLUM WITHOUT WALLS ’ .
3 To me , Cornwall was an area covered on the way to the Scilly Isles , with its infamous humpback runway , or to Land 's End for the standard photo of the signpost showing the distance to your home town .
4 On that circuit I was vaguely conscious that there were more blue uniforms on the streets than normal , but then that was normal in the West End for the pre-Christmas rush .
5 Daphne Rye , the top casting director , looked after him following his demob and in 1948 ushered him into the West End in a literary play — from a book by Elizabeth Bowen — Castle Anna , which Daphne herself directed .
6 World War II ends for a small town in eastern Germany
7 However , after attention lapses he can retain his insights into another person , and use them in choices of means , without abandoning his long-term egoistic ends for the altruistic goals to which he briefly felt himself drawn ; he can therefore claim to have obeyed ‘ Be aware ’ without ceasing to be an egoist .
8 Upright at opposite ends of a turbulent field ,
9 ‘ Then impulse and power should be given to the intellect , and the ends of a moral being be exhibited .
10 In this test a load is applied to the two ends of a long bar of uniform cross-section and either the displacement of the ends or that of two fiducial marks on the surface of the bar observed as a function of the applied load .
11 Poolewe and Dundonnell are at the ends of a classic walk of nearly thirty miles crossing this wilderness and , because of the rigours of the journey , calling for careful advance planning .
12 What the murders did reflect in an odd way was the convulsing extremism — at both ends of a polarized spectrum — that existed between right and left , counter-culture and establishment , in 1969 , when Easy Rider was released .
13 Both in psychology and in society at large , masculinity and femininity have long been conceptualised as bipolar ends of a single continuum .
14 Two particular tracks demonstrate this great artist 's ability at both ends of the emotional scale : ( track 5 ) his towering , raging Don Pizzaro from Fidelio ( pictured on the booklet ) and ( track 16 ) Strauss 's Lied Traum durch die Dämmergung .
15 Because of the difficulty in placing a trolley wheel on the wire during the blackout and the risk of knocking passengers ' hats off or worse , when pulling the pole down , or the risk of a broken spring inside the trolley mast , one of the J Type cars was fitted with metal hoops over the ends of the upper deck in August 1916 .
16 As delivered , these cars did not carry any destination equipment , but new cars delivered in 1906 and subsequently , had wooden destination boxes on tall stanchions above the ends of the upper deck .
17 Destination boxes were set on high stanchions above the ends of the upper deck and had glazed openings in the back , so no deck lights were required .
18 In August 1916 , a car of this class was fitted with large hoops over the ends of the upper deck to protect passengers from being struck by the trolley pole when being turned in the blackout or from a broken spring .
19 Just after the 1914–1918 war , hoops were fitted over the ends of the upper deck and at the same time , the destination boxes were placed under the canopy edge .
20 Large ‘ two line ’ tinplate destination boxes were fixed on stanchions above the ends of the upper deck and the deck screens were of close mesh fine wire .
21 Where possible , cut out the ends of the rotted area so that the new piece will fit at an open angle , making it much easier to fit than right-angled joints .
22 This is the only plausible explanation I have found , in a lifetime spent in television , for the fact that a single programme can be simultaneously attacked from both ends of the political spectrum for bias in the opponents ' favour .
23 But here the similarities end and the new policies for local economic regeneration can be placed at opposite ends of the political spectrum .
24 Scepticism over official figures comes from both ends of the political spectrum .
25 Gorbachev went on to give an emphatic answer in his keynote address to calls heard from both ends of the political spectrum for his resignation not just from the party leadership , but also from the presidency .
26 Peng Yu-wei still held his staff , but with his other hand he now sought to draw the two ends of the torn silk together .
27 Some of the seeds hung like bells from the ends of the ferny frond , and in some species they were several centimetres long .
28 But here , the B section may be no more than a brief refrain like the ‘ Alleluias ’ which end both parts of Richafort 's ‘ Quem dicunt homines ’ or an extended section of more than forty bars as with the ‘ fera pessima devoravit filium meum Joseph ’ of Clemens 's ‘ Tulerunt autem ’ which is spliced with the ends of the preceding sections in a way that epitomizes the composer 's technical skill :
29 It was afternoon — the morning had gone on Crabb Robinson — which meant that all the ample , high , soft-blue leather desks along the spokes of the great wheel that radiated from the Superintendent 's desk , ensphered by the Catalogue , were taken , and he had to be content with one of the minimal flat triangular ends of the late-come segments inserted between these spokes .
30 Upstairs Downstairs , one of the most popular costume dramas ever , lets us see what it 's like , from both ends of the social scale .
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