Example sentences of "hold out [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hence Japanese management holds out a promise of permanent employment to a core of selected employees whose numbers are ‘ limited to a cyclically justifiable minimum ’ ( Taira 1962 p.l68 ) .
2 Literary , second-sighted , sick , she holds out a hand to him : he clasps it , but then decides he ca n't go on .
3 Do you think it holds out a ray of hope among the problems which perplex us all so sorely today ? ’
4 The most appropriate technology for many people will be one that helps a country to organise a postal system so that stamps are available , to bring radio within everyone 's reach and that holds out the possibility of early telephone links .
5 The city also holds out the hope of a better education for the migrants ' children , urban facilities , modern consumer goods and a variety of cheap diversions .
6 Any programme that holds out the hope of eradicating the underclass must be built on the foundation of re-establishing full employment .
7 The New Europe holds out the hope of a better life for Europe 's people — with all that implies for cultural and social enrichment as well as industrial modernisation , environmental protection and an improved standard of living .
8 It holds out the promise of swifter verdicts .
9 It holds out the promise of swifter verdicts .
10 This work holds out the promise of a much wider project :
11 The import of data from molecular and genetic databases also holds out the promise of revitalising classical taxonomy using molecular systematics and DNA-probe analysis .
12 The letter states that efforts will be made to create a ‘ fair distribution ’ of press releases , and holds out the olive-branch of club membership before the next company-reporting season in November .
13 After a three-day crisis meeting , the Communist Party Central Committee revealed an ‘ action programme for renewal ’ which holds out the prospect of free elections , a democratic coalition government and parliamentary investigations into malpractices and abuses of power .
14 Although Leapor accepts that many women are guilty of inconstancy and immoderate behaviour , she nonetheless holds out the prospect of transformation .
15 Although Mill may have been thinking of the romantic poet speaking gloomily to himself , here Leapor holds out the prospect of good gossip , and the reader is set to overhear the conversation :
16 The dream of ‘ my own house ’ holds out the prospect of perfect satisfaction with housework .
17 The ‘ high profile ’ that this gives Owen provides the satisfaction that he requires and in addition holds out the prospect of career advancement .
18 The ‘ everlasting arms ’ hold out a cushion against our own inadequacies which , like a doctor 's placebo , is none the less effective for being imaginary .
19 All you have to do is drive to this place and hold out a hand in friendship . ’
20 The alternative of higher personal subscriptions does not , I believe , hold out the likelihood of sufficient income to meet the mounting costs of protecting yachtsmen and their rights .
21 So too the yawning depths of the wave , even while threatening annihilation , hold out the promise of rebirth .
22 Advice like ‘ it 's your age ’ or ‘ you 'll just have to learn to live with it ’ is beginning to wear thin and many people are seeking desperately for alternatives which hold out the promise of improved health .
23 Participants in a five-year effort by the Carnegie Corporation to bring science and government closer together believe that they have improved that relationship somewhat and hold out the promise of even greater success .
24 Modern techniques of electroencephalography ( BEG ) , however , hold out the promise of localising the electrical activity of the brain in so far as this can be detected at the scalp .
25 Only the most illustrious names hold out the lure of considerable profit ; but many thousands of unknown men and women have left behind them a legacy of written material that will never be illicitly copied and imitated yet will yield a rich store of history , and throw light on their place and period , life and labours , which are every bit as important , in the ultimate scale of things , as the antics and accomplishments of those who contrived to hit the headlines .
26 This involves holding out a bar at arm 's length and then rotating it .
27 The fat boy was holding out a pile of thin plastic diskettes .
28 They traversed lush apricot orchards without comment ; they ignored a shepherd holding out a bowl of milk ; wordlessly they returned to the village where Miss Fergusson , her calculated civility now restored to her , asked the elder if lodgings could be supplied to them without delay .
29 ‘ How are you this morning ? ’ enquired Melissa , holding out a hand for Snappy to lick and noticing with relief that some of the strain had lifted from her friend 's face .
30 It 's a tragedy that 's devastated 2 families — now Mr Davies is holding out a hand of friendship to the boy 's parents .
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