Example sentences of "hold out [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only Rugby Union holds out against the commercial tide despite widespread speculation about covert payments to players .
2 Mitchell is amongst those who argue against Firestone and hold out for the continuing relevance of Freud 's work .
3 Wallace Mercer holding out for a better offer .
4 East Belfast-based midfielder Keery ( 28 ) has been holding out for a better deal than the one on offer .
5 He said Libya was not being ‘ stubborn ’ , but merely holding out for an honourable solution to the crisis .
6 Yet as was noted , inventions , like choices , are always constrained by social experiential factors such as available opportunities and knowledge of alternatives ; even the most ardent indeterminist would acknowledge such things ( while still holding out for an irreducible residue of free choice ) .
7 A Goebbels article in Das Reich at the beginning of March , in which he had emphasized ‘ the great honour of the victims and of holding out for the new Europe ’ , for which it was worthwhile ‘ fighting to the last man in order to go down in history ’ , met with heavy criticism .
8 Most people in the territories feared the PLO was in danger of rushing into some unsatisfactory settlement rather than holding out for the right conditions .
9 ‘ Still holding out for the twenty per cent , I see , Maurice . ’
10 Her call came after the surrender of the last group of rebels holding out at a military air base at Mactan in the central Philippines .
11 Mahdi Mohammed loyalists were holding out in the northern fringes of the capital .
12 It may be considered that a three year period in 7.6.5 is too long and that two years is an adequate period for reinstatement to take place , but the landlord will probably hold out for the longer period .
13 With Amstrad shares edging ahead to 29p , just 1p below the offer price , analysts were expecting shareholders to hold out for a better offer .
14 Greece sought until the last moment to hold out for a higher ceiling than the 60,500 transit licences offered to Greek lorries .
15 Provided we take enough water with us there 's no reason why we should n't be able to hold out for a considerable time in the banqueting hall , which is in a far better situation for defence … and let me remind you that with every passing day , relief comes nearer … perhaps as much as twenty miles nearer with every day 's march …
16 Earlier , he dismissed Labour 's invitation to join its inquiry into electoral reform as a ‘ short-term tactical move ’ and delivered his strongest warning yet to his rivals not to underestimate his party 's determination ‘ at every level ’ to hold out for a clear commitment to proportional representation as its price for a coalition deal .
17 This ‘ bad faith ’ operates among the doctors and pharmacists who allow their knowledge and skill to be abused ; among the politicians who wish to see themselves as community benefactors , while knowing full well that they are nothing of the sort ; and even among the poor who are so often critical of the medical ‘ care ’ they receive yet continue to hold out for a medical solution to their social and economic problems .
18 On Oct. 8 the United Kingdom had entered the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European monetary system of the European Communities ( EC ) , but at the subsequent European Council meeting in Rome Thatcher had been isolated in her opposition to an early move towards the second stage of economic and monetary union ( EMU ) and in the strength of her determination to hold out against the possible ultimate introduction of a single European currency [ see pp. 37782-73 ] .
19 From his point of view , Modernism as a sub-species of romantic anti-capitalism is one partial moment in the rejection of the consequences of Enlightenment properly understood : understood , that is , in terms of a Marxism which is itself held out as the genuine heir to the Enlightenment narrative of emancipation and its romantic critique .
20 She said that while the carrot of jobs was being held out to the local community , local people would only be used for the most menial of tasks .
21 The commandos , who belong to a 55-strong group of US military advisers in El Salvador , had held out on the sixth floor of the annexe during the siege ..
22 If I 'd been a union member I might have held out for a better offer or some redundancy money , but I was n't , so that was that .
23 IN THE FADING sepia postcards on sale in the antiquarian shop in Makhoul Street , General Henri Gouraud appears as a stiff little figure in a dark kepi , his right hand held out to a British officer .
24 A handful of snipers held out to the last , and received no quarter .
25 Helping women to stay at home yet giving them an occupation , some money and a branch held out towards the wider community were all worthy goals in Laura 's eyes .
26 SCUNTHORPE , down to 10 men for more than an hour , equalised , forced extra time and then held out for a second replay .
27 She held out for a federal party in the negotiations with the Russians ( 1902 ) to the point where the talks broke down .
28 After the interval , chances were few and far between and most of the early play took place in mid-field , but towards the end Hucklecote applied severe pressure , but the visitor 's defence superbly mastered by outside half , Neil Smith held out for a fine hard-earned victory .
29 Richard and a few followers escaped downstream to Geoffrey de Rancon 's castle at Taillebourg while the bulk of his troops were driven back into the cathedral , where they held out for a few days .
30 What is important to highlight at this juncture is the attraction that such a possibility held out for the intellectual workers of the time .
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