Example sentences of "hold in [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 The early , nineteenth-century experiments in artificial lighting , including that held in Sheffield in the year of Chapman 's birth , had been forgotten , and it was left to the Europeans to develop the idea of floodlit football .
2 Our Prime Minister of that time , Mr Lloyd George , had called for another great conference to be held in Italy in the spring of 1922 , and initially his lordship 's aim was to organize a gathering at Darlington Hall with a view to ensuring a satisfactory outcome to this event .
3 The two questions on which referenda were held in Britain in the 1970s , joining the European Economic Community and creating some limited self-government in Scotland and Wales , are good examples of just such issues .
4 The Communist International appeared to substantiate these claims at its Seventh World Congress held in Moscow in the middle of 1935 .
5 The World Bank has announced that its report for 1992 is to be dedicated to the themes of environment and development following the momentum built up around these issues as a result of the UNCED conference , to be held in Brazil in the same year .
6 Andalucia was further affected by a third outbreak in two years of African equine fever at the end of July 1989 , which threatened the lives of large numbers of horses and raised doubts about equestrian events being held in Barcelona in the 1992 Olympics .
7 A Cuban exile Virgilio Paz Romero , held in custody in the USA , had reportedly admitted on July 30 to his part in a conspiracy to murder Letelier .
8 The ESPRIT Conference and Exhibition held in Brussels in the week commencing the 12 November was a great success , and was attended by around 2,000 people from all over Europe .
9 We also asked questions about some important events in Zambia itself : the change in the vice-presidency in 1970 , the conference of non-aligned countries held in Lusaka in the same year , the price control measures introduced a year later and the increased prices being paid to farmers for maize in 1971 .
10 Horbury 's annual Street Fayre is held in June in the town centre and attracts over 60 arts and crafts stalls .
11 These include , for example , rights to a selling exhibition of paintings by contemporary CIS artists in Germany ( 100 paintings at a price of DM600–3000 per painting , transportation costs and insurance to be paid by the German side ) ; rights for foreign firms to make reproductions to order of paintings held in museums in the CIS ( thirty copies at $1500 per copy ) , and exclusive foreign rights to the memoirs of cultural figures and former members of the government .
12 If it is dismissed , the Panel 's findings are normally published and its sanctions implemented ( having been held in abeyance in the interim ) , subject to comments from the Appeal Committee .
13 The best armagnacs are those that are distilled within days of the harvest , when there are still fermentation yeasts held in suspension in the wine .
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