Example sentences of "hold a [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 However , any final decision on holding an inquiry for the compulsory purchase order can be made only if planning consent for the scheme is given .
2 The Government intends to hold a competition for the ‘ fastlink ’ road if investors are found .
3 Should this prove to be impossible , he had three aims : to complete in due order the steps necessary for becoming archbishop , to maintain undiminished the possessions and privileges of his church , and to hold a Council for the correction of discipline in the Church .
4 Leaving aside for the moment a final conflict over the estates of Canterbury , we may turn to Anselm 's efforts to hold a council for the reform of morals and discipline throughout the land .
5 Alexander III has been seen as a great lawyer pope : he made pronouncements , gave judgments and held a council for the whole Church in which the law was defined .
6 Following its discussion of the Chief Officer 's paper the Council held a conference for the colleges on ‘ Planning for academic diversification ’ .
7 In accordance with the interim constitution , on April 30 the People 's Assembly held an election for the new post of President of the Republic .
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