Example sentences of "hold [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Just to be told what 's going on , what 's in the packet , what the future holds for us in the food game .
2 Even though it must have been obvious that he would not hold to it at the last , the threat was enough to make Stormy Petrel veer again to her original course , and though she was trying to increase speed , and was perhaps a little more powerful than Sea Otter , we , on our straight line , could hold her comfortably .
3 Besides this , both the Data Protection Act ( 1984 ) , which applies to computers , and the Access to Personal Files Act ( 1987 ) give people a statutory right of access to information held about them by the Social Work Department .
4 Women have no say in their marriages : often they are married when still babies , or at least by the age of five in a group ceremonial marriage , for youths , held for them at the close of their bachelor hut initiation period .
5 Among several other flaws in Anselm 's election and investiture , there was one which neither Anselm nor anyone else mentioned at the time , but was later to be held against him by the papal legate : on a strict view , his election -in addition to all its other legal defects — had been schismatic , since the king and all the others who took part , with the sole exception of Anselm himself , were schismatics , for they had not recognized Urban II as the legitimate pope although he had now been pope for five years .
6 By 9 January 1177 he had besieged Dax , which had been held against him by the Viscount of Dax and Bigorre , and taken it ; he had besieged Bayonne , which the Viscount of Bayonne had held against him , and taken it ; he had marched right up to " the Gate of Spain " at Cize and there he had captured and demolished the castle of St Pierre .
7 An ingenious Yamaha employee suggested a hoist for the drum , so that the jug could simply be held under it by the sprayman , or woman ( women undertake almost any job in the factory ) , making life easier , ensuring less waste and almost certainly fewer days off work due to back injuries !
8 erm and I wonder if our traditions have disappeared because we have had to adapt to working lives and changes in lives , and I wonder if men have held onto theirs in the face of women being a threat to them in working environments and other aspects of their life .
9 Will he consider setting up in Moscow a unit composed of people from British industry , from the British Government and from the British-Soviet Chamber of Commerce to try to help the Russians receive the aid that is being held from them by the stupidity of their bureaucracy ?
10 In May 1412 a treaty ( that of Bourges ) was sealed between Henry IV and the dukes of Berry , Bourbon , and Orléans which gave the English king much of what his predecessors had spent years fighting for : a recognition that Aquitaine was rightfully English , and an undertaking to help the king defend it ; the cession of twenty important towns and castles ; and agreement that certain lands , notably Poitou , were to be held by them of the English crown , and would revert to it when the present holders died .
11 ( 3 ) Where co-owners of an estate or interest in any land , … not being itself partnership property , are partners as to profits made by the use of that land or estate , and purchase other land or estate out of the profits to be used in like manner , the land or estate so purchased belongs to them , in the absence of an agreement to the contrary , not as partners but as co-owners for the same respective estates and interests as are held by them in the land or estate first mentioned at the date of the purchase .
12 To achieve this , Austria must be dislodged from Lombardy and Venetia , held by her under the terms of the 1815 settlement , which would inevitably lead to a weakening of her influence throughout the entire peninsula .
13 He did homage to Edward explicitly for the land held by him of the English king , but is reputed to have added ‘ saving my kingdom of Scotland ’ .
14 The member is also liable to be adjudged incapable of being elected or appointed to any public office for five years from the date of his conviction and also to forfeit any such office held by him at the time of his conviction .
15 Yet the revenue maintains that it was under no legal obligation to repay the wrongly extracted tax and in consequence is not liable to pay interest on the sum held by it between the date it received the money and the date of the order of Nolan J. If the revenue is right , it will be enriched by the interest on money to which it had no right during that period .
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