Example sentences of "hold [num] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Swapo holds 41 of the Assembly 's 72 seats , but observers expected its main opponent , the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance ( DTA ) which has 21 seats , to block a Swapo-drafted constitution .
2 The laboratory holding three of the Taiwan Ten is believed to be about to acquire another 30 orang-utans , the origin of which is unknown .
3 He was holding one of the machine pistols .
4 He was holding one of the children , who was asleep .
5 One senior representative of an existing cash & carry said that MAKRO will ‘ obviously pose a threat ’ , not only to that trade but also to supermarkets , which will be hit by trade being diverted into the MARKO ‘ discounting ’ — through holding one of the membership passports .
6 But the new vans specially built to convey this traffic were 27ft long and capable of holding two at a time , the forerunner of the car flats of the 1970s and '80s .
7 Holders of the prefs will forego dividends in return for 13.7 per cent compound growth over the trust 's seven years , thereby allowing the managers to increase dividends to ordinary shareholders who will hold two-thirds of the capital .
8 Even worse , it was estimated that two of the unproductive classes , the nobility and the Church , held two-thirds of the land of Spain in entail and mortmain .
9 Fergus had brought a leather case with him ; it held three of the silver cups and a big hip flask .
10 A new government was appointed in November 1990 in which PDG member held three-quarters of the portfolios [ not one-third as stated on p. 37841 ] and the five largest opposition parties were represented by eight ministers [ for previous full Cabinet list as of May 1990 see p. 37480 ] .
11 Look — ’ he held one of the globes out to Pascoe .
12 During his time at Bristol he held one of the University 's Organ Scholarships based at St Paul 's Church , Clifton , and distinguished himself by winning most of the important prizes offered by the Royal College of Organists .
13 Instructions of such a length would have been wasteful of storage , so instructions were 20 bits long ( 6 for an operation code , 12 for a store address , and 2 unused ) and held two to a store word , as shown in Figure 1.4 .
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