Example sentences of "hold [art] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 Kelso also holds the record for the highest-priced winner , Equinoctial , at 250-1 in a handicap hurdle in November , 1990 .
2 George also holds the record for the number of goals scored in a single season from the flank with a fabulous 22 goals in 1927–28 .
3 The Asdex tokamak at Garching in West Germany has what is known as a ‘ poloidal divertor ’ and holds the record for the duration of a plasma in a tokamak — Asdex has sustained its plasma for 10 seconds .
4 At the other end of the scale , Dall holds the record for the most powerful single-lens microscopes .
5 President Theodore Roosevelt holds the record for the number of hands shaken at an official function ?
6 The Gaboon viper holds the record for the longest fangs — of the snake 's 3 m ( 10 ft ) length , the fangs measure almost 3 cm ( 1 in ) .
7 Derbyshire 's 22-year-old batsman Chris Adams , who now holds the record for the fastest century in the county 's history , is another with hopes of a place in the Australian sun this winter .
8 Holds the strength for the plant against the season
9 Ian Wright has become a player who holds the key for the two Grahams , George and Taylor .
10 Indycar racing holds no fears for the brave Brummie , even though it is a notorious killer with spectacular crashes in cars belting around oval tracks at 240mph .
11 I understand Turkey holds no attraction for the out-of-contract striker , who has refused to sign a one-year deal at Anfield .
12 But , as she demonstrated so memorably in last year 's auspicious Prom performance , it holds no terrors for the young soprano Galina Gorchakova , who gives a performance of thrilling virtuosity and commitment .
13 Crime prevention is despised work for detectives for it holds no place for the drama of the chase and no opportunity for the symbolic warfare which exists in the battles between ‘ polises ’ and ‘ prigs ’ .
14 We can expect it as a standard feature from the database , once we 've built the systems that hold the costs for the the estimated costs for value of the work .
15 A properly drafted lease will ensure that the lessor can not object to such formal assignment and will expressly provide that the named lessees hold the term for the partnership .
16 Wisely understood , resolutely faced , it need hold no fear for the Christian .
17 His rigorous moral choice against communism strengthened a sense of moral superiority among the Germans , who felt that they were holding the fort for the free world :
18 Records are made to be broken and Tom Walker , although holding the record for the longest serving employee within the group , may well qualify for an industry wide record if it were possible .
19 As a resident of Whaddon , and therefore presumably a member of ‘ the ex-agricultural working class ’ , I am anxious that fellow voters should not be deceived into believing that another candidate would have had a better chance of holding the seat for the Conservatives .
20 However , any final decision on holding an inquiry for the compulsory purchase order can be made only if planning consent for the scheme is given .
21 Upon a bequest to a trustee upon trust for a beneficiary who predeceases the testator , the trustee will hold the property for the benefit of the testator 's representatives .
22 The Government intends to hold a competition for the ‘ fastlink ’ road if investors are found .
23 Should this prove to be impossible , he had three aims : to complete in due order the steps necessary for becoming archbishop , to maintain undiminished the possessions and privileges of his church , and to hold a Council for the correction of discipline in the Church .
24 Leaving aside for the moment a final conflict over the estates of Canterbury , we may turn to Anselm 's efforts to hold a council for the reform of morals and discipline throughout the land .
25 Er previous to that I held the licence for The Mason 's Arms at for three years previous to that and before that I 've been connected with the catering and licence trade from being fifteen .
26 After Lyle Shelton pulled out Destefani backed off the power and held the lead for the next three laps to take the chequered flag at an average speed of 450.835mph .
27 In 1880 he was elected Liberal MP for Montgomeryshire and he held the seat for the next fourteen years .
28 And Mrs Katz , a gentle soul who held no grudge for the loss of her skull .
29 Attrition , bribery and plain common sense brought about the fall of Kyrenia a few weeks after Nicholas returned there , and although Carlotta , kept in ignorance , might have been devastated by the news , it held no surprises for the people of Cyprus .
30 Lesbianism held no terrors for the Major , who had long experience of the women 's services .
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