Example sentences of "hold [adj] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This distinction of style holds good for the whole of Greek art … "
2 The same holds true for the Church .
3 The trust can then acquire shares in Newco and hold these for the benefit of employees of Newco and Target .
4 I consider that this must also hold good for the right of establishment : in order for a national of a member state to be eligible to be regarded as exercising his right of establishment in another member state , it is not enough that he should be operating a fishing vessel registered in that state ; in addition , his activity must have other links with the territory of that State .
5 Under this , the EPA is responsible for cleaning up the most contaminated sites and then recovering the cost from the bodies held responsible for the contamination .
6 When he returned at the beginning of December 1340 Edward had immediately dismissed the home council , Robert Stratford , who was bishop of Chichester and chancellor , among them ; Archbishop Stratford , then held responsible for the home government 's failure , was ordered to Louvain as a hostage for the payment of the allies , while the dismissal and prosecution of other ministers and officials — mostly clerics — was set in motion .
7 Government troops killed over 40 Tamils whom they held responsible for the Aug. 6 incidents , after Wijeratne had declared that " we will show no mercy to these Tamil terrorists , criminals who do not deserve to live " .
8 Calling on the government to honour pledges of land and credit made to the contras before their demobilization in June [ see p. 37450 ] , they had also demanded the dismissal of former Sandinista leader Gen. Humberto Ortega Saavedra as C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces , and the resignation of Antonio Lacayo Oyanguren , Minister of the Presidency , and Carlos Hurtado Cabrera , Minister of the Interior , whom they held responsible for the October economic pact between the government and the opposition Sandinista-controlled unions [ see p. 37771 ] .
9 Coming to the end of his account , he remembered the fate of the mason-overseer , Khaemhet , held responsible for the security of the prisoners deputed to him for the journey from the granite quarries to the Southern Capital .
10 The German state prosecutor 's office announced on April 8 that tests conducted on the bones of a man who died in Brazil in 1979 confirmed that the body ( discovered in 1985 — see p. 33759 ) was that of Josef Mengele , the so-called " Angel of Death " held responsible for the deaths of 400,000 prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Second World War .
11 First , Fisher invited Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus whom some held responsible for the murder of British soldiers in the quasi-civil war in Cyprus .
12 Sir John can not be held responsible for the loyalty of every one of his servants , and Cosmas 's death , God rest him , is a mystery . ’
13 However , this person can not be held responsible for the charges due from the other residents .
14 In practice a contestant is held responsible for the behaviour of team-members and the coach , and he may face a severe penalty if they misbehave .
15 On May 21 Berlin deputies rejected a CDU motion , effectively of no confidence , to the effect that the coalition should be held responsible for the May Day rioting .
16 The Gang , headed by Mao 's wife Jiang Qing , had been held responsible for the excesses of China 's 1966-76 Cultural Revolution .
17 At present , parents can be held responsible for the misdemeanors of their children , yet they are not allowed to chastise their children for fear of reprisals from the courts .
18 He was personally held responsible for the failures of his economic stewardship .
19 Zhu was reportedly dismissed because of his links with liberal policies , and might have been held responsible for the participation of union members in the pro-democracy protests of May and June .
20 Subject to the contrary agreement of the partners : ( 5 ) Every partner may take part in the management of the partnership business ( 7 ) No partner may be introduced as a partner without the consent of all existing partners ( 8 ) Any difference arising as to ordinary matters connected with the partnership business may be decided by a majority of the partners , but no change may be made in the nature of the partnership business without the consent of all existing partners It is obvious enough that if a partner is to be held responsible for the acts of his co-partners committed in the name of the firm he should in principle have : ( 1 ) unrestricted access to information about those acts ; ( 2 ) every right , indeed a duty , to assume personal responsibility ( equally with his co-partners ) for the conduct of the firm 's affairs ; and ( 3 ) the right ( by exercise of a veto ) to prevent any act for which he is unwilling to accept liability .
21 Reference is constantly made to the president 's budget and the chief executive is held responsible for the consequences of budgetary policy , especially by members of the opposition party in Congress .
22 blurring responsibility : when a committee makes a decision , no individual will be held responsible for the consequences of the decision .
23 Individuals , by the force of their personalities , are held responsible for the breaking of truces : ‘ It was thanks to [ the Pope ] at any rate , that [ the truce ] was broken .
24 He said : ‘ We have very good arguments to prove that we can not be held responsible for the actions of a few people who did not know what they were doing .
25 ‘ Thousands of people pass through our doors every night and whilst we continue to do our best to combat the problem we can not be held responsible for the actions and intentions of each individual ’ .
26 Individuals who could be held responsible for the negligence in question ( for example , if it were an audit , those who were in charge of it , and perhaps the head of the audit function in the firm , and even its managing director ) might still be sued individually ( managing partners may feel as a result that they personally would have little to gain from incorporation ) .
27 The state of destination is given a discretion ( though the convention does not specify by which organ of the state the discretion is to be exercised ) to execute a letter rogatory which does not indicate the person to be held responsible for the costs and expenses ; the point here is that there is a discretion to refuse to execute letters in such circumstances .
28 If , however , the authority to make appointments to the board of a nationalised industry did not reside solely in Government , but in part in trade unions as the instruments of industrial democracy , the Secretary of State could no longer be held responsible for the fitness of the board to discharge its functions ; and it would no longer be meaningful for Members to ask Questions , nor possible for Government to answer them constructively .
29 Accordingly , generalization decrement can not be held responsible for the context-specificity of the CR seen in the latter case .
30 SPARE RIB can not be held responsible for the loss or damage of any correspondence .
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