Example sentences of "hold [prep] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The temperatures in the cargo holds of aircraft on the other hand may be extremely low .
2 Man is derived from an ancestor that he holds in common with the existing great apes .
3 Some of this structure I hold in common with the structural elements of other people .
4 However , the co-existence of a lexical ambiguity in no way alters the fact that in both types of instance — ordinary structural ambiguity and the distinction between associative and ascriptive — there are two different patterns of relationship holding between elements of the linguistic structure .
5 To show the world how many princes felt it worth their while to dance attendance on him , Henry invited them and also the King of Navarre to a court he planned to hold in Limoges at the end of the month .
6 If the consideration is securities in the bidder , the shares are usually issued to a trustee to hold on behalf of the untraceable shareholders .
7 On November 17 , the TUC is organising a regional day of action , and on November 25 a torchlight procession will be held through Bootle to the expanding coal terminal at Gladstone Dock .
8 A torchlight procession will be held through Bootle to the coal terminal at Gladstone Dock on November 25 .
9 On November 17 , the TUC is organising a regional day of action and on November 25 a torchlight procession is being held through Bootle to the expanding coal terminal at Gladstone Dock .
10 The conference will be held as part of the European summit in Rome next December and the aim will be to agree far-reaching changes to the Community 's constitution to achieve Economic Monetary Union ( EMU ) as soon as possible after 1992 .
11 It also has information on nitrate levels held as part of the Harmonised Monitoring Programme and ‘ separate information on farming practices ’ .
12 The meeting was being held as part of the Jockey Club 's campaign to change the Sunday betting laws .
13 At one time the beliefs held about woman in the church , that she might not be ordained , that she was placed subordinate to man , that she had her ‘ own ’ sphere of motherhood , were simply at one with the beliefs of the world in which the church was situated .
14 It is , therefore , hardly surprising that the attitudes and beliefs held about health by the population and its constituent subgroups are both complex and superficially inconsistent .
15 In all , five meetings were held between members of the Senior Management Team ( Deputy Head ( Curriculum ) and the Director of Studies ) and the Head of the Art Department .
16 The significance of the support system is that these messages are not held for inspection by the children themselves ; rather , it is the action of the adult doing this — by simple repetition — that brings the message into the children 's awareness .
17 The subsidiaries which held and operated the refining and marketing operations which were sold on 6 July 1992 were not consolidated and certain borrowings , attributable to these businesses , were also separated and included within businesses held for resale at the end of 1991 .
18 The Albanian Democratic Party on Aug. 8 proposed the incorporation of Kosovo into Albania if the break-up of Yugoslavia continued , and the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo on Aug. 16 announced that a referendum would be held for Albanians in the region on their future within Yugoslavia .
19 These elections were the first to be held for offices above the lowest administrative level since China became a republic in 1911 and the fist nationwide elections for People 's Congresses since the outset of the Cultural Revolution .
20 In Chapter 2 we consider the formats in which data might be held for manipulation by the computer , and the types of operations appropriate to each format .
21 In 1933 a scheme was launched for classes to be held for schoolboys during the autumn term under the management of the Corinthians , the amateur club , with Arsenal as sponsors and Chapman taking classes in basic skills , positional play and training .
22 A special training day was held for workers in the bureau , with a play illustrating the workings of the act , followed by workshops .
23 These give us a better view of the musical lives of the Hotteterres in their historical and social contexts , reflecting the positions they held as musicians to the court of Louis XIV .
24 If L grants a lease to T and then T assigns it to A , there is no privity of contract between L and A since there has been no direct transaction between them ; but there is privity of estate , for A has become L's tenant by acquiring the estate which L created and which is held of L as the immediate landlord .
25 Finally , there is a tremendous sense of community belonging and pride throughout the whole of Carmarthen Bay & Teifi Valley and during the summer season especially , there exists a hole range of festivals and spectator events , such as the United Counties Agricultural Show held near Carmarthen during the second week of August .
26 The 79th plenary session of the Congress ( I ) party was held near Tirupati in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh on April 14-16 .
27 From 1063 to 1202 , the duchy of Gascony was held with Aquitaine by the counts of Poitou , but it was , unlike Poitou , held as an autonomous domain .
28 In February the Institution sub-committee reported that a meeting had been held with representatives of the North West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board : Sir Frederick Messer , M.P .
29 The Committee has continued to press for a sensible Charter for the Courts as an adjunct to the Citizen 's Charter and meetings have been held with officials in the Home Office and the Lord Chancellor 's Department .
30 * A public inquiry is to be held into plans by the Wind Energy Group to build a 24-turbine farm near the Cader Idris mountain in Snowdonia National Park .
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