Example sentences of "away [prep] [noun] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Miguel often went away for hours on end , but never when Jose was there .
2 While no one objects to him chasing the girls a bit ( the roads are safe enough and drivers know him and avoid him ) , he stays away for days on end and is obviously getting into scraps with other dogs — presumably male rivals who 've beaten the same path to the bitches ' doors !
3 And there had been very hard times indeed when Daddy Ni was drunk and away for days on end and no one else in the family was earning : except the mother slaving in beatified drudgery .
4 For there was nobody like Daddy Ni as a drinker , heroic , a ‘ twelve pints a day man ’ , often away for nights on end — ‘ met a friend ’ — incapable of passing a pub , and a gambler too — ‘ the dogs ’ — leaving wife and children short and maybe desperate when times were hard enough already .
5 There was nothing unusual about MPs getting carried away during debates on crime and violence , however , or for the Speaker to find it necessary to call for ‘ Order ! ’ against ‘ shouts of sadistic enthusiasm ’ when whipping was on the agenda .
6 In the summer , while Branson was away in Europe on business , Joan , now six months pregnant , returned to Scotland for a holiday .
7 Different centres of excellence will usually offer courses in their own specialism ; you may find you have to work away from home on secondment if your first choice is limited to only a few specialist centres .
8 Indeed , the east part of Thurso has a tradition of ‘ travelling workers ’ — men regularly working away from home on construction .
9 Jonathan Jobson , 16 , from Peterborough , Cambridgeshire , said his condition had improved when he was away from home on work experience and when the nurse , Beverley Allitt , had left .
10 I had three-quarters of an Assistant Registrar and spent sixty-five nights away from home on Council visits .
11 A worldwide move away from reliance on fossil fuels could , according to the report , reduce carbon dioxide emissions by between 25 and 50 per cent .
12 Drew also quite liked an excuse to get away from Sukey on summer evenings .
13 Since I have been away at Scarborough on holiday I got the YEP every day and the special Leeds edition that they do every season .
14 Claire paddles away at buttons on telephone , scours desk for material to take to meeting ( 3.00 p.m. , the worst ) gets hung up fielding call from incandescent client wanting to know why contract has been mis-drafted for third time in succession …
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