Example sentences of "keep up a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Spirit and flesh both quailed before so difficult and rowdy an audience on so difficult and perilous a subject … as I sat in the committee room while the order of the meeting was being arranged , and heard my audience shouting , singing , crowing like cocks … and keeping up a continuous uproar , I thought to myself , ‘ I have got to go into that and control it somehow so as to be heard ’ …
2 And if Liz does steer the fastest line , she 'll be keeping up a recent Oxford tradition .
3 Colonials keeping up a good show , ignoring the riotous jungle around them .
4 Usually rather subdued piping or twittering calls , flocks often keeping up a conversational twitter .
5 This superb sum was the result of members and friends keeping up a daily supply of super baking .
6 ‘ Even from the outside it looks cosy , ’ Paula observed , keeping up a cheerful note .
7 With a deep breath , Ace slipped out from behind the rocks , and ran in a crouch down the length of the wall , keeping up a steady rate of fire from her gun .
8 But it quickly re-formed in 1897 to challenge fresh regulationism introduced into India , keeping up a constant barrage of propaganda against any return to compulsory medical inspection and detention of prostitutes at home .
9 Cook drove clumsily , keeping up a constant stream of chatter .
10 She chatted on , keeping up a constant barrier between them , all the way out to the car park , and when she was securely belted into the passenger-seat she fiddled with her gloves and gave a deliberate yawn .
11 To justify their hold on this island far into East Germany , the West Germans must keep up a good show of a thriving community in West Berlin .
12 It is not suggested that the teacher should keep up a non-stop commentary or continually repeat the children 's answers and comments for the benefit of the rest of the group .
13 Do n't keep up a running commentary .
14 Paul keeps up a hectic programme of lectures on the species , and has amassed a considerable amount of information on the pros and cons of reintroduction .
15 A climb over a stile — and a redstart sang its short phrases from the branch of an ash : ‘ The fire-tail 's ‘ tweet-tut ’ fretting call/ keeps up a teasing melody . ’
16 I attribute that fact , rightly or wrongly , to the realisation of everyone who occupies that position that , while in every other direction insistent and vocal public and professional demand keeps up a constant pressure for expansion and improvement , it is frequently only his own influence and authority which will be exerted to redress the balance .
17 Harry can not accept the fact that she has activities and commitments that do not directly relate to him , and keeps up a constant pressure on her to give up her job so that they can spend all their time together .
18 ‘ Make sure that the old grandma keeps up a constant supply of hot water to keep the instruments clean .
19 In addition , the desire to keep up a respectable level of income or the desire of the woman to have a job or career , may lead to the woman going to work .
20 Theda threw her a grateful look , and hurried after Miss Merchiston , whose familiarity with the steep staircase enabled her to keep up a cracking pace .
21 Will others choose to keep up a continuous presence in covering Yugoslavia in the way that we have over the past year ?
22 In the Old Testament , farmer Amos , with rustic bluntness , flays those who attempt to keep up a religious facade without matching conduct ; and James , his outspoken New Testament counterpart , exposes those who are " hearers of the word " but not " doers " of it .
23 As we mentioned in Chapter 5 , at this stage you need only time-table three or perhaps four exercise routines per week ( where you get slightly breathless at each session for a half-hour period ) in order to keep up a reasonable degree of fitness .
24 A fat lot he even cared about being late for church and she trying to keep up a good style .
25 Stamina or endurance refers to your capacity to keep up a certain level of sustained exercise .
26 ( I felt like telling him those bastards had aged me by years , but I suppose we have to keep up a brave face . )
27 As there may be in excess of 1000 mouth to feed , then it can prove difficult to keep up a constant supply of live foods and the authors have found that dried food is adequate as a first food .
28 The hypothesis that we are in a position to keep up a constant supply of fresh and highly-trained troops to replace those exhausted in battle , and also of the necessary supplies and ammunition , is erroneous .
29 In the meantime , try to keep up a social life and meet other people .
30 ‘ I like to keep up a brisk pace . ’
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