Example sentences of "little more than [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the pubs which are passed off as ‘ historic ’ to the visitor and tourist prove to be only film-set facades on what are now little more than youthful amusement arcades or glorified fast-food cafes .
2 Schools were expected to make sense of ideas which had not always been thought through fully , and to implement practices whose justification frequently consisted of little more than unsubstantiated assertion .
3 Don was low , little more than bare bones , and there was no point in fishing for salmon ; so we had decided to trout fish .
4 ‘ Opus offers to load the customer 's own choice of software , ’ says Mr Duncan , but makes little more than tentative recommendations on the accounting side .
5 On one level the sudden and unexpected friendship thrives on little more than mutual back-scratching .
6 That one or two might make enough money to pass as legitimately successful , but that most would go on hoping for and talking about the ‘ up for none touch ’ that was just around the corner if only this and that fell into place until they became little more than saloon-bar bores .
7 She saw his attempts to wish his own brand of authority on to the production as little more than temperamental interference , and , in turn , told him how he should play his scenes .
8 Umberto Eco complains , ‘ Unfortunately , ‘ postmodern ’ … is applied today to anything the user happens to like ’ ( in Hutcheon 1988 : 42 ) : as he suggests , the term is increasingly used in the media to signify little more than vague approval of what is new and striking in contemporary culture .
9 The park , directly across from her house , was completely obliterated beneath the snow , the bushes now little more than vague mounds , and the trees standing stark and forlorn .
10 Because , after all , no-one had , as yet , told him that Presley City was going to be little more than blackened rubble in just two days time .
11 Experiment more with fresh herbs and spices — part of the modern passion for salt is little more than bored taste-buds !
12 Hostess work in some of the clubs involved little more than chiselling money out of tourists for fake champagne , and the money that changed hands for street assignations almost invariably led to an instant disappearance with no follow-through .
13 Thus , they argue , decisions about the development of these latter can be based upon little more than uninformed hunches .
14 Hospitals are developing computer systems which are often not compatible with one another and are being used as little more than expensive word processors .
15 Perhaps he is optimistic in assuming that the students he has targeted will have much in the way of explicit grammatical knowledge ; in my experience , first-year British undergraduates have little more than sketchy notions of what nouns and verbs are .
16 But gradually his terror of metal stairways subsided to little more than ordinary fear .
17 Today , there are more good lines than bad , and the choice amounts to little more than personal preference .
18 When wireless communications become available for a wider range of portables , the prevalence of Notes and applications like it will go a long way towards tying into networks PCs that are being under-utilised as little more than personal information managers .
19 Most writers of the blueprint books of that time certainly did present the would-be solvers of their puzzles with little more than cut-out figures labelled " Millionaire " , " Unfaithful Wife , " " Devoted Secretary " , although of course the better writers of the time were far from such crudities .
20 The danger , of course , was that the new schools would be little more than half-hearted extensions of the former senior elementary schools — by 1938 , 63.3 per cent of pupils beyond the age of eleven were in separate senior elementary schools and all that was at first formally required was that such schools should change their labels .
21 There is still a superficial resemblance to the old style , especially on larger vases which often have a figure-frieze on neck and body , the rest being covered with graded bands of abstract ornament ; but this has shrunk to little more than varied groupings of zigzags , while massed zigzags among the figures of the main friezes make a shimmering ground on which the fuller , curvier silhouettes or dot-filled outlines of men , women , animals , monsters , flowers stand out .
22 This is tabloid film-making in which the protagonists are cardboard cut-outs , played by lookalike actors whose portrayals , however skilful , are doomed to be little more than glorified Mike Yarwood impersonations .
23 Much of the content of such literary activity was little more than political pornography .
24 Environmentalists , who have long campaigned for a single agency , have expressed their concern that the plans for the reform of the Inspectorate amount to little more than political opportunism and will have little real impact .
25 There is , however , little more than anecdotal evidence that these are effective .
26 It does look , after all , as if respectability posed the greatest of all threats to the survival of Nonconformity ; the son and grandson of Baptist believers as he was , cousin to a family of ardent devotees of the Worship Street Chapel , William Charles appears to have paid little more than passing lip-service to the cause .
27 Together they inadvertently ensured that their four children would be little more than emotional cripples .
28 You can create quite a memorable set out of little more than good lighting .
29 This is a new requirement for most information systems , which have simply expanded to contain ever more data , relevant and timely or not ; but it is surely little more than good practice should require in the interests of efficient and economical operation .
30 Despite assurances from advisers over the confidentiality of information presented in the self-appraisal , it seems that most staff were unwilling to produce anything more than a public type of document , providing little more than factual information .
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