Example sentences of "while [pers pn] was [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 He was practically running the department while I was working on the store for him , and he 's ready for further things than that ,
2 ‘ When I got home last night and found the yard door bolted I thought the old man had deliberately locked me out but the police reckon that whoever killed father was with him then — while I was banging on the door , trying to get in . ’
3 And , while she was chewing on that , suddenly some fierce Czech expletive rent the air , then , ‘ Hell , did you have me fooled ! ’ he raged , and when she had been certain that his fury was wholly on account of her pretending to be a journalist when she was not , he proceeded to throw her thinking totally out of gear when , his face whiter than ever , ‘ You wanted that interview so badly you were even ready to commit adultery to get — ’
4 For while she was working on the Channel Four movie , Rubber Stamp , it was revealed that her sideline was staging sex shows .
5 The memories are probably combined due to the fact that she watched the SS Great Britain being towed into harbour while she was sitting on the loo .
6 All birds are very temperamental and finicky with their food at the best of times , so I started by slipping titbits of chick under her feet while she was sitting on the glove .
7 And while she was concentrating on Tavett she watched Shildon , reflected in the glass of a painting on the wall in front of her , slide his hand a few inches along the couch , flip open her bag and feel through the contents .
8 Does the Prime Minister recall that , on 26 February 1991 , I met him to discuss the case of my constituent , John Hall , who is seriously ill with leukaemia , an illness contracted while he was serving on Christmas island ?
9 Meanwhile , back at bimbo ranch , Betty says her first kiss was snogging Tom Jones on the telly while he was singing on Top Of The Pops .
10 It was as if the hawk could hear the rabbit running along the tunnels inside the hedge , while he was sitting on a post on top of the hedge .
11 The fella 's name was a Corporal and he was killed in a train wreck at Ipswich while he was going on leave going to London .
12 The slim volume was unearthedby Desmond Hawkins , a Hardy scholar , while he was working on a biography of his hero .
13 Quite by chance , and while he was working on a different problem , an Australian psychiatrist , J. F. Cade , discovered that , in guinea pigs , lithium salts made the brain less excitable .
14 He did n't know Jack Stone was back until he spotted him , probably while he was working on his allotment .
15 Even while he was working on the first draft of the poem , he was writing to Martin Browne about all the engagements ahead .
16 Even a cursory glance is enough to show that Picasso had several changes of mind while he was working on the canvas .
17 These abrupt changes of style in the Demoiselles are due to the fact that while he was working on it Picasso came into contact with tribal art .
18 And the visual evidence all goes to prove that this took place while he was working on the Demoiselles , probably in June .
19 Dublin-born textual scholar Danis Rose discovered James Joyce 's ‘ lost novel ’ while he was working on a critical edition of Finnegans Wake .
20 The animal had been in the garage while he was working on the car with the engine running .
21 In fact the script , which saw American lawyer Thomas Ward cleared of the charge of stealing £5.2 million from Guinness while he was working on the brewing giant 's takeover of Distillers Group , did little more than tie up the loose ends of the storyline .
22 while he was lying on the massage table after his innings waiting for a doctor , Warner and Palairet called to express sympathy .
23 In Swansea , John Roberts spotted a plane about to crash while he was travelling on a bus .
24 Ven swiftly reassured her , and — even while it was dawning on her how he was accepting her ‘ no ’ without question when she had been giving him a ‘ yes , yes , yes ’ for the past five minutes , he was reaching for her wrap .
25 Even while it was registering on her from the newspapers in his hands that he was no lie-a-bed but was up and had been out for his paper , he was taking in the damp , startled look of her and , feigning surprise himself , ‘ It 's a mermaid ! ’ he declared .
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