Example sentences of "while [prep] the same time " in BNC.

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31 The expansion of airports outside the South East , while at the same time freezing further development at Heathrow , Gatwick and Stansted .
32 The study of personality structure , he argued , the genesis of which lies in social interaction , offers the beginning of a conceptual resolution of the old mind — body dichotomy while at the same time relating the individual to his social setting .
33 In short , a parliament must both support and supervise government , while at the same time maintaining itself as the focus of political debate and , above all , as the instrument for political change , by offering the electorate a credible alternative government .
34 First , how to persuade other member states not to insist on proposals which take us down the federal route and , second , how to avoid agreeing to wording which would be inconsistent with the wishes of the British parliament and electorate , while at the same time trying to reach an agreement .
35 A heavy bank of clouds , very dark and tinged with deep red and purple , was creeping across the sky , while at the same time a lower bank was moving rapidly in the opposite direction .
36 This would avoid any further deterioration of Franco-Prussian relations , while at the same time the succession to the Spanish Throne might also be resolved multilaterally .
37 The officer , obviously unnerved by the continued shooting , was trying to persuade the Phalangists to leave the area while at the same time asking them for directions .
38 This means , among other things , that the electoral system should be one that does not effectively disenfranchise large sections of the citizenry , while at the same time it must produce a government that will be both effective and accountable .
39 This is one respect in which active citizenship is important because involvement in the community by voluntary work and political activity serves to foster a sense in the participating citizen of belonging to the community and of national identity , while at the same time contributing to the common welfare .
40 On some days Marcus said nothing to him at all , while at the same time making it , without word or gesture , clear that his presence was helpful .
41 In this way the homosexual writer is granted a dubious measure of liberal pity ( ‘ if only he had n't lived in such a repressive world ’ ) while at the same time the heterosexual critic distances the threatening possibility that a homosexual writer might have a great many insights into the codes , mechanisms and ideologies of heterosexuality itself .
42 Our personal involvement with them brings them the warmth of human love , while at the same time raising them up and beyond their problems to the love and healing of God .
43 It is useless to apply organic matter in this form while at the same time inhibiting , by the use of certain artificial fertilizers , the fungi capable of converting that organic matter into humus .
44 Sunny 's two children from a previous marriage brought the case against Claus and have continued to make sure their mother 's story is kept in the lime light , ( they opposed this film though ) , while at the same time trying to hide the truth about their mother — that she was a pill-potting drunk who injected herself regularly .
45 In addition , one of the duties of a water authority engineer controlling an outside contract is to tie consultants to a tight brief , which specifies the minimum work required to achieve the necessary flood reduction , while at the same time protecting the environment .
46 One of the most destructive of all emotions , guilt can inflict real damage upon both the physical and mental health while at the same time causing us to feel that we may have irretrievably lost our spiritual path .
47 By the 1940s and 1950s the Red Poll was one of Britain 's major breeds but , in the rush to set up new herds , breeding standards began to slip badly on the farm , while at the same time the invading Friesian , fed on concentrates , considerably outyielded the breed and by the early 1960s its popularity had tumbled .
48 I advised his parents to make their son 's temper tantrums unrewarding ( indeed costly ) while at the same time making co-operative behaviour highly beneficial to him .
49 Ministers and other politicians continue to tell the public that education will continue to grow , in order to retain political credibility — since education is considered an important issue — while at the same time telling administrators to cut budgets .
50 It does , however , require skill and in the 1988 article , Burnard outlines practical exercises to help develop empathy in a variety of nursing settings , while at the same time citing the problems involved in empathy training .
51 The thesis of the book was that democracy could not be safeguarded by attending to political institutions alone ; a culture had also to exist among the population which combined tradition and modernity , encouraging attitudes of loyalty and respect for the institutions of government while at the same time fostering a degree of political activism .
52 Increasing unemployment in the cities has had all kinds of unfortunate consequences : it reduces demand for such services as retailing , while at the same time increasing pressures on public-sector provision ; and social services , housing training and education encounter increased demands for certain activities .
53 This provided a series of standardized measures against which to evaluate individual Projects , while at the same time laying down broader objectives for the whole Programme .
54 This should include an attitude of acceptance on the part of the therapist towards the patient 's problems and behaviour , while at the same time limits will need to be set in terms of what the therapist is able to provide and tolerate .
55 Students become fluent in two of the languages of the United Kingdom 's trading partners , while at the same time acquiring a good knowledge of information technology ( computing for business ) , administration and marketing , and word processing , typing ( multilingual ) and shorthand ( optional ) .
56 As the balloon reached the eight hundred foot marker , he began chatting lightheartedly while at the same time watching the flag man on the ground .
57 Yanto shouted at the beast to attract its attention away from the fleeing threesome , while at the same time squeezing himself into a tight batch of young saplings .
58 Royal Society 's study group report on risk assessment is a tough read ; For example , ‘ At the administrative level , there is a need to acknowledge the validity of public perceptions , while at the same time purveying the fullest information on objective risk estimates , not least because these data form a major component of the public 's perceptions , ’ But it concentrates the mind and , of course , it deals with every activity of man .
59 In the absence of expanding leaves , shoot growth is essentially the elongation of a cylinder , a geometry ideal for spanning distances while at the same time keeping surface area to a minimum and hence the loss of water by evaporation .
60 This would allow the Argentinians to stay well clear of the exclusion zone around the Falklands Islands while at the same time being able to attack ships anywhere inside it .
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