Example sentences of "provide for an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Balfour 's government introduced an Education Act which provided for an orderly scheme for elementary and secondary education in schools administered by Local Authorities .
2 It provided for an estimated expenditure of L£597,000 million and revenues of L£210,000 million .
3 The meeting was prompted by a draft secretarial order , issued by the US Interior Department in July , which provided for an expanded role for the new resident US representative in Belau [ see p. 37885 ] .
4 In 1978 a new constitution was promulgated which provided for an elaborate reversion to a tribal mode of rule involving an electoral college of eighty members chosen by forty local councils ( ‘ tinkhundla ’ ) , dominated by tribal elements .
5 It provided for an elected head of state who would appoint a Prime Minister from the party winning a majority in elections to a bicameral parliament comprising a National Assembly and Senate .
6 In this sense the privileges and goods that pupils can ‘ purchase ’ with the points they earn provide for an effective degree of control .
7 My plans for 1992-93 provide for an overall increase in my education programme of some 15 per cent .
8 A Swiss referendum vote on Dec. 6 against ratification , while it did not dissuade the other participants ( including Liechtenstein ) from proceeding , did necessitate " technical " modifications to provide for an 18-member EEA .
9 The deployment of other groups of staff should take account also of the needs of the service and aim to provide for an even distribution .
10 I 'm sorry , I just wanted to make a couple of points in response to erm things that people have said in relation to my opening statement , erm Mr Brook er mentioned the fact that er none of the employe none of the new settlement proposals of which he was aware , erm included an employment element , erm I just wanted to place on record the fact that our suggested reworking of policy H two does provide for an explicit land er amount of land for employment purposes , erm as part of the new settlement location , I wanted to say that because I , I 'm not invited to appear on your employment day , and I do feel that this is an important component of the the H two strategy , and clearly that employment component will be drawn from the Greater York allocation , the second point , Mr Sexton erm I believe said that in his view you could not find a site for a larger new settlement er within the or outside the Greater York er greenbelt , erm which would not result in physical coalescence with the existing villages in the area , now I 'm not sure whether he was referring to any particular size of larger new settlement , but I invite you to look at the er land range at one to fifty thousand er map of the area , and you will see that the area outside the greenbelt is characterized by erm a very rural area with sporadic villages , and my believe is that there are erm sites available within that area which could accommodate a larger new settlement , the planning point is of course the larger the new settlement becomes , I think the less that that the reduced number of sites you will have available to accommodate erm that proposal , because of its scale , and the third aspect I want to comment on Mr Cunnane and Mr Thomas erm said that Barton Willmore had not made a need argument for the new settlement , well if I 'm not mistaken that 's what we spent most of this morning discussing under policy H one , and I do n't erm I do n't wish , and I do n't suppose that I 'd be invited to repeat the comments made by Mr Grigson this morning , I do n't think there 's any need for that , but that establishes in our mind very clearly there is a need for a new settlement in the range of two thousand to two thousand five hundred dwellings , erm in the period up to two thousand and six , and I wo n't say anything more on that .
11 We think they are about right , they would provide for an appropriate level of development .
12 The financial strain on the firm can be eased by : ( 1 ) effecting sufficient insurance cover ( see Chapter 5 ) ; ( 2 ) the inclusion of suitable provisions ( Clause 20 ) in the partnership deed clearly setting out the procedures to be adopted for the continuing partners to have the option to purchase the deceased 's share from his estate on an appropriate time scale or providing for an automatic accruer to the surviving partners ; ( 3 ) the inclusion of provisions in the deceased 's will enlarging the discretion of the personal representatives as to the time for realisation of assets in the estate and generally as to arrangements which may be concluded with the continuing partners ; and ( 4 ) where ( which is not unusual ) one of the personal representatives is a continuing partner , the inclusion in the will of specific authority for that partner in his capacity as personal representative and trustee to conclude agreements with the firm .
13 Providing for an increased deficit of Z30,000 million , as against the 1989 target of Z21,000 million , the draft budget put total projected expenditure for 1990 at Z584,000 million — a rise of 67 per cent .
14 It is far better for the buyer and the seller to avoid all these arguments by providing for an express period of time in which defects will be remedied .
15 The Defence Minister , Shaikh Ali Sabah as Salim as Sabah , and United States Defence Secretary Dick Cheney , meeting in Washington on Sept. 19 , signed a 10-year defence agreement providing for an unspecified stockpile of US military equipment in Kuwait , the use of Kuwaiti ports by US troops , and joint training exercises .
16 The new programme provided for an average increase of 3 percentage points in turnover tax , the introduction of value added tax ( VAT ) and improved tax collection in 1993 , and a temporary 10 per cent surcharge on 75 per cent of Polish imports .
17 The [ Act of 1916 ] itself provided for an alternative form of stealing — larceny by a bailee who ‘ fraudently converts ’ the bailed goods .
18 The Constitution provided for an independent judiciary , with a Supreme Court as its highest body , and for a bill of rights ( including rights to fair trial and cultural and religious freedoms ) entrenched against amendment .
19 The Constitution provided for an independent judiciary with special provisions for Melanesian affairs and Melanesian courts .
20 In addition , evidence has been provided for an active transport mechanism in the human intestinal mucosa .
21 The speech left provides for an internal speech code which passes through a working memory system where it can be examined .
22 It provides for an annual Apex Conference , it stipulates that the conference shall be advisory to the C E C and all decisions shall be subject to C E C congress policy .
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