Example sentences of "provide for [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Twenty-nine countries — members of the North Atlantic Treaty organization ( NATO ) and the former Warsaw Pact , including the successor states to the Soviet Union — on June 5 signed a revised Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe ( CFE ) , which provided for sharp reductions in conventional weaponry and troop levels in Europe .
2 Nevertheless , there was constitutional advance , in the form of the Government of India Act of 1935 , which provided for responsible government in the provinces .
3 The agreement endorsed the principle of " self-sufficiency " , which stipulated that waste should be treated or disposed of as close as possible to the point of production , although it provided for some flexibility in the case of smaller countries .
4 The PS-PSC coalition agreement in Wallonia provided for significant increases in spending on education , housing , urban renewal and environmental protection .
5 Compact , single-member , constituencies ( as opposed to large , multi-member , constituencies ) provide for one representative in a way that is said to facilitate constituent-member contact and the redress of individual grievances .
6 According to the Limited Partnerships ( Unrestricted Size ) No 1 Regulations 1971 , which provide for limited partnerships in surveying and allied professions beyond the usual maximum of twenty members , not more than one quarter of the total number of partners can be limited partners .
7 Thirdly , there are amendments in the name of the Government of the er Noble Earl Lord which are Amendments ten , fifteen and twenty and these provide for greater flexibility in the size of police authorities , again between sixteen and twenty-four members to be determined by the Secretary of State and for the Bill 's existing proposition that er fifty per cent of the members should be er and only fifty per cent of the members , should be from local authorities that er er er er that er of the remainder some should be magistrates and some should be members appointed by the Secretary of State and finally er there is a series of amendments er by the Noble Lord , Lord , Amendment seventeen , eighteen and twenty-two and those provide again with flexibility of size for er police authorities that half of the members should be from local authorities and the other half should be magistrates .
8 However , the ending of UK exchange controls in 1979 , and government stimulation of a relaxation in trading regulations ( ‘ Big Bang' of 1986 ) helped to secure London 's recognized position , with Tokyo and New York , among the world 's three leading financial centres , which together , with their respective working days , provide for 24-hour activity in world financial markets .
9 Representative democracy , however , whether at national or local level , must be distinguished from the participatory approaches that provide for direct involvement in the policy-making process ( Pateman 1970 ) .
10 If anything I think women 's education now has to compensate a little erm and provide for those areas in which women start in a way that could be considered a handicap to men .
11 National legislation on competition is excluded save that the Commission can , when approving a merger , attach conditions and authorise the member state concerned to apply national legislation to provide for effective competition in the local market .
12 In Sweden secrétaires de commission began to be appointed to some missions in foreign capitals from 1669 onwards , mainly it seems to provide for greater continuity in the event of the death or recall of the head of the mission .
13 So public housing fails to provide for personal mobility in changing relationships , or for different needs that people may have .
14 To provide for any improvements in education or Institute affairs , close liaison and dialogue with the committees , tutors , general membership , educationalists and also kindred associations all of whom are committed towards advancing both the profession of embalming and funeral service .
15 The 1959 Act does , however , provide for two situations in which comparisons are both permissible and highly relevant .
16 A general expression to assess the potential improvement that access frequency loading can provide for any case in which A per cent of records account for B per cent of accesses is derived below .
17 higher than the plans for the current year and will provide for further expansion in health services .
18 On Sept. 19 Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev had signed a decree providing for all conscripts in the Soviet armed forces from the Baltic states to be released by the end of October .
19 Allowed for an Indian ship to deliver food for its stranded citizens in Iraq , providing for such shipments in humanitarian circumstances , and under supervision by relief agencies .
20 But one thing seems clear : during the past decade the Government has been more intent on reducing the powers of local authorities than on providing for fundamental changes in the social conditions of the inner cities .
21 The Georgian Supreme Soviet on Aug. 20 adopted legislation providing for multiparty elections in the republic on Oct. 28 .
22 The Italian parliament after protracted debate approved on Jan. 16 ( by 382 to 201 in the Chamber of Deputies and by 190 to 96 in the Senate ) a motion providing for Italian participation in an " international policing operation " to secure Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait ; the wording was significant in that Italy 's Constitution forbade recourse to war as a means of settling international disputes .
23 Subsidies would also be provided for agricultural enterprises in order to limit the extent to which oil price rises would be passed on to the consumer in higher costs .
24 The agreement prepared the way for the ratification of the START treaty , which had been signed in July 1991 by the United States and the Soviet Union and provided for major cuts in the nuclear arsenals of both powers [ see p. 38320 ] .
25 Guidance on the circumspection required in the day-to-day exercise of administrative powers is provided for civil servants in a booklet ominously entitled The Judge Over Your Shoulder .
26 As with all aspects of the Advanced Courses Development Programme , SCOTVEC welcomes suggestions for the improvement of the catalogue and hopes that feedback from centres will help to determine the most useful way in which the necessary information can be provided for all users in the future .
27 To improve and develop good practice in providing care to clients , adequate training , development and support is provided for all staff in the Home .
28 Elementary education was to be provided for all children in England and Wales ; now did the village want a new church school , or would it prefer a board school , one which would be secular and undenominational ?
29 The original memorandum of understanding worked out after the Gulf war [ see p. 38598 ] had provided for 500 guards in the north and 600 relief workers .
30 Are you interested in the ante-natal care provided for expectant mothers in the West Midlands ?
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