Example sentences of "provide [that] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The standard conditions provide that if the seller is buying another property in a related transaction , he or she may use all or part of the deposit as a deposit in that transaction , to be held in that transaction as stakeholder .
2 The Articles usually provide that if an executive director or an employee holding shares ceases to be employed by Newco , he shall be deemed to have served a transfer notice in respect of his shares , effectively forcing him to sell .
3 Approve that the SRO is amended to provide that where a bill is paid by deduction , then either [ i ] if within a three month period following delivery of the bill written objections are made by the entitled third party or client , notice of rights under the SRO should then be given , or [ ii ] the notice of rights under the SRO must be served on all clients and entitled third parties at the time of delivery of the bill .
4 The amendments agreed in December 1988 duly provided that while the Council of the Union should concentrate upon economic , diplomatic and other matters affecting the USSR as a whole , the Council of Nationalities should particularly concern itself with the interests of all ethnic groups within the framework of the Soviet multinational state .
5 In this case the seller will not be in breach of the terms implied by section 12 provided that before the contract was made he disclosed to the buyer the existence of the lien .
6 Sub-paragraph 13 of paragraph 12 provided that all written statements made under caution should be in accordance with Annex D , paragraph 2 of which provided that where a person wished to write his own statement , he should be asked to write out and sign before so doing : ‘ I make this statement of my own free will .
7 Section 142(2) provided that where a person had been convicted by the magistrates when he had pleaded not guilty or been convicted in his absence and it subsequently appeared that it would be in the interests of justice that the case be heard again by different justices the court might , subject to sub-section ( 4 ) so direct .
8 It is also provided that where a person , not named as a respondent , is in occupation , the originating application and other documents may be served by affixing a copy of them to the main door or other conspicuous part , and , if practicable , inserting them through the letter box , or by placing stakes in the ground with the documents ( in a transparent sealed envelope ) attached .
9 Many jurisdictions have taken the view that to insist on such service would unfairly disadvantage potential plaintiffs , and have provided that where an enterprise based abroad does business within the jurisdiction service may be effected at some business address there , without the need to serve any document abroad .
10 The CMR further provided that where the vehicle containing the goods is carried over part of the journey by sea , rail , inland waterways or air , and , except in cases of emergency , the goods are not unloaded from the vehicle , the CMR shall nevertheless apply to the whole of the carriage .
11 5.4.1 To repair the Premises and keep them in repair excepting damage caused by structural or inherent defects or by an Insured Risk other than where the insurance money is irrecoverable in consequence of any act or default of the Tenant or anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority ( but only while under the Tenant 's control and in the course of employment ) Provided that where the insurance money is not wholly irrecoverable such sums as are recoverable shall be made available as soon as possible to apply to the repair of the Premises
12 It was later provided that if the commissioner from the presiding burgh should be absent , or refuse to vote , the commissioner from the burgh which presided at the last election should have the casting vote and so backwards in rotation .
13 Until the moment that the consignee claims the goods after their arrival at destination , the consignor retains the right to change the consignee 's name , provided that if the name is changed the consignor gives the carrier reasonable written notice thereby undertaking to indemnify the carrier for the additional expenses created by the change .
14 The local authority were empowered to do the work themselves by section 10(1) of the Act of 1957 which provided that if the person in control of the house did not comply with a notice to execute work then after specified periods of time ‘ the local authority may themselves do the work required to be done by the notice …
15 It further provided that if the tenant failed to serve a counternotice he should be deemed to have agreed the rent specified in the landlord 's notice .
16 Provided that if the Lease shall not have been granted within a period of 12 months from the date hereof the Tenant shall be at liberty to assign underlet or otherwise deal with the benefit of this agreement subject to the same conditions as would be applicable to a corresponding transaction if the Lease had then been granted
17 For example , suppose a statute gives a minister two different but related powers ; suppose further that the statute provides that before the minister exercises power A , he or she must consider representations made by ‘ any person ’ , and that before the minister exercises power B he or she must consult a particular government body with responsibility for some relevant aspect of government policy .
18 Order twen er , rule twenty , eight , four provides that when a party is entitled to costs , and that of course is the case of the plaintiffs , a , fails without good reason to commence or conduct proceedings for the taxation of those costs in accordance with this order or any direction or b , delays lodging a bill of costs for taxation , the taxing office may one , disallow already part of the costs of taxation that he would otherwise would warn about the party and two , after taking into account all the circumstances , including any prejudice suffered by any other party as result of such failure or delay as the case maybe , and any additional interest payable under section seventeen of the judgements act because of the failure or delay , allow the party so entitled less than the amount he would otherwise have allowed on taxation of the bill are wholly disallowed the costs , his provision for an appeal to allow to the judge and chambers and that is the way the matter is coming before
19 Section 5 of the Business Names Act 1985 provides that where a person fails to comply with the requirement set out in s. 5 and thereafter seeks to enforce a business contract with a party in default by means of a court action , ( a ) if the person in default can establish that he or she has a claim against the proprietor , which due to the proprietor 's failure to comply with s. 5 he or she has been unable to pursue , or ( b ) if a breach by the proprietor of s. 5 has caused the person in default some financial loss , the proprietor 's claim shall be dismissed , unless it is ‘ just and equitable ’ that the proprietor should be allowed to continue the action .
20 Section 2(3) ( a ) of the 1957 Act provides that where a person enters in the exercise of his calling , the occupier may expect that that person will appreciate and guard against risks which are ordinarily incident to that calling ( Roles v Nathan and General Cleaning Contractors v Christmas ) .
21 Rule 37.1 provides that where a company redeems or purchases its own voting shares , with the result that the directors and any persons acting in concert with them hold 30 per cent or more of the voting rights , then a Rule 9 obligation to make a mandatory offer arises .
22 The Rights of Way Act 1932 provides that where a way over land had been actually enjoyed by the public as of right and without interruption for a full period of 20 years , the way shall be deemed to have been dedicated as a highway , unless there is sufficient evidence that there was no intention during the 20-year period to dedicate it .
23 Standard Condition 6.6.5 provides that where a deposit of less than 10% is taken on exchange , the balance of the 10% becomes payable immediately on service of a notice to complete .
24 Suffering is used in this sense in s1 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 which provides that where a plaintiff 's expectation of life has been reduced the court in awarding damages for pain and suffering shall take into account the suffering caused or likely to be caused by awareness that his expectation of life has been so reduced .
25 Finally , the 1987 Act provides that where a minor has acquired property under a contract which is unenforceable against him , or which he has repudiated on the grounds of minority , he may be required by the court , when it thinks it ‘ just and equitable ’ to do so , to return the property , or else property representing that which he has acquired ( without prejudice to any other remedy available to the plaintiff ) .
26 Section 3 of the Animals Act re-enacted , with some modification , the form of strict liability formerly found in the Dogs Acts 1906–1928 and provides that where a dog causes damage by killing or injuring livestock , any person who is a keeper of the dog is liable for the damage .
27 Article 20 of the Brussels Convention provides that where a defendant domiciled in one Contracting State is sued in a court of another Contracting State the court shall stay the proceedings so long as it is not shown that the defendant has been able to receive the document instituting the proceedings or an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence , or that all necessary steps have been taken to this end .
28 Section 39 Trustee Act 1925 provides that where a trustee desires to be discharged from the trust and where after his discharge there will be either a trust corporation or at least two individuals to act as trustees , then if the trustee by deed declares that he desires to be discharged and his co-trustees consent , he shall be deemed to have retired from the trust .
29 Section 743(4) provides that where an individual has been charged to income tax on any income deemed to be his by virtue of s739 and that income is subsequently received by him , it shall be deemed not to form part of his income again for the purposes of the income tax acts .
30 ( See " Liability to trespassers " , p. 119. ( iv ) Section 3(1) provides that where an occupier is bound by contract to permit strangers to the contract to enter or use the premises , the duty of care owed to the stranger as a visitor can not be restricted or excluded by the contract .
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