Example sentences of "hand [coord] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 By another of the technical innovations or borrowings which mark the art of this time , terracotta figurines and heads are no longer generally made freely by hand or turned on the wheel but pressed into moulds .
2 We sat down , I on the arm-chair , he on the floor at my feet : He held one of my hands and played with the fingers .
3 After a couple of minutes Phoebe recovered her breath ; she pushed herself off the wall with her hands and went through the stairwell doorway into the green-painted corridor .
4 The final scheme would be a tribute to the vision of ‘ the greatest son of the Romanian people ’ rendered by their skill and hands and made from the fruits of their native soil .
5 Silent amid the crowd 's applause , they breathe deeply and steadily as they mount the bike , control the trembling of the hands and wait for the time-keeper 's ‘ Allez ! ’
6 She loved him so very much that if he suggested they take hands and spurt to the cliff-edge and plunge off the edge together like lovesick lemmings she would do it .
7 Julie cradled the mug of tea in both hands and looked at the wall clock on the other side of the kitchen .
8 Hrun leaned his head back on his hands and looked at the ceiling , whistling tunelessly .
9 Patrick ran both hands through his hair and buried his head in his hands and stared at the fine linen table cloth .
10 Gadgets are useful in professional hands and used in the right way , but in the hands of a novice they can be dangerous .
11 During the verses join hands and sway to the music .
12 Those watching joined hands and danced round the bonfire amid an air of frenzied excitement .
13 Finally Alain detached himself from Claudine 's clinging hands and turned to the house , collecting Jenna with a very hard hand on her arm .
14 They sat in the back of the Dacia for the drive from Otopeni Airport to the outskirts of the city , holding hands and staring at the lights flashing past .
15 Early last month , a Russian war veteran took matters into his own hands and delivered to the German embassy in Moscow a cache of drawings , prints and paintings , among which , according to the German Foreign Office , is a Durer .
16 Then they quietly washed and dried their own hands and returned to the general room .
17 Keith holds his head in his hands and looks at the floor .
18 He put out his hands and lifted off the little straw boater and laid it down .
19 who , after leaning back on her heels to let her whole weight resist the boys ' tug , found herself suddenly jerked forward , lost her balance , and fell flat on her hands and face on the path .
20 She had washed her hands and face at the pump in front of the inn .
21 Horrified , he uttered a cry and fell on his hands and face upon the table , and , striking against the golden vessels , broke some of his teeth and lay there apparently lifeless .
22 Corbett nodded , rose and moved away ; he emptied his bladder and went to a nearby stream to bathe his hands and face in the cold clear water .
23 On her way back she stopped to wash her hands and face in the cold water .
24 But it is morning , thought Fenella , washing her hands and face in the water from the brass ewers , liking the thick , fluffy towels left for them .
25 Corbett bathed his hands and face in the bowl of water standing on the lavarium .
26 What the high-speed camera does n't show as it freezes the action is that the top pros have the skill to make the clubhead catch up with their hands and arrive at the same time at impact … as when at address .
27 ROS cups his hands and shouts into the opposite one . )
28 Overcome again , she covered her face with her hands and sank onto the settee .
29 I think the last time you were here we were actually in the bottom half of the table but shot up to about seventh and since then once we got close to the people with games in hand and catching on the extra games we 've come up into the top three sometimes .
30 As they crossed a stream the precious manuscript slipped from his hand and disappeared in the water .
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